
Wednesday, May 1, 2024


In honor of Arbor Day last week, I got a new tree (actually two, more on the other one in another post).

I know, I know, ANOTHER tree?  Hey, it's for the future and we only wish we had planted one of these a few years ago, but hey, here we are, ha!

Arbequina Olive.

I picked this one because it had a nice shape to it and looked very healthy.  Arbequina is the most cold hardy olive (once established of course).  Down to 10, 15 and 20 and that should cover our more recent crazy Winters.  It's also drought tolerant, so that means it will cover our erratic Summers as well, ha.   

And check this out:

It's developing little olives on it!

Not sure we'll actually have any, but since it's not in the ground and just in the container (we don't need to worry about root development), we'll let it do its thing and see how they come out.  I may upgrade the container size to help it along, but we're happy to have an olive tree to try out.  We had one at the house in town years ago and actually got some olives off of it and it was growing in a pot, not the ground.

HAPPY MAY DAY!  (is that still a thing?  Ha!)


  1. Your olive tree sure does look nice and healthy. Just think what your orchard will look like in a few more years.

    I do think May Day is a old tradition that people just don't do anymore.

    Myself and my best friend / classmate, we still keep up with the tradition in our own personal way even tho we live far distance from each other; her in Iowa and me here in Texas.
    We both enjoy doing and keeping up with that old tradition.
    Not the same as doing in person but we manage to continue in one way or another.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.
    We have T. Storms that will be moving in this evening so trying to get as much done outside now before the weather turns nasty. Rain is to be moving in around 4 this afternoon.

    1. Ok, no T. Storms as yet but we are getting earth tremors. Felt 3 so far and getting stronger than the 1st. one.

    2. Fingers crossed for the orchard, right? Yep, we have had (as you have probably seen on the news) some major flooding in the area around Houston but nothing at the farm or in town proper.

  2. I have never liked olives and the 1st of May is just the 1st of May nothing special about it

    1. LOL 2nd Man not a big olive fan I do love them though.

  3. Yes, May Day is still a thing. Of course, some people don't celebrate holidays, so there is that ilk. I did nothing for May Day this year. Too bad.

    1. right? Probably not as big as it used to be.

  4. I am so impressed! I've tried to grow Arbequina Olives twice, but managed to kill both of them. It was disappointing because Dan love his olives. But your tree look to be thriving! That is so happy.

    P.S. One can never plant too many trees!

    1. Fingers crossed it will do well. We shall see! And amen to that, never too many trees. :-)

  5. I am with Leigh. You can't have too many trees, especially fruit bearing trees. Next up you need a pecan!

    1. Yes!!! Oh how I wish we had planted one years ago, I think they take a while to do their thing. But I''m willing to try it. We just wanted to wait to see where the house will be and where to put it since they get so big.

  6. Another great tree for your orchard! You may be making your own olive oil in a few years!


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