
Saturday, June 29, 2024


Sorry for the absence and minimal posting, it has been a busy week.  Today as this posts, it's off to the farm.  I shouldn't have to mow since I did it last weekend (just realized I might have missed posting about that).  I'm hoping to finish the orchard area cleaning and start on another project.  Bits and pieces this time of year.

I'll be back as soon as it starts getting too hot.

2nd Man is roasting a chicken and some root vegetables so I'll have a nice meal waiting when I get back.

Hope your weekend is off to a great (cool) start.


  1. keep cool and don't over do.
    Wet a towel or bandana with cool water and tie around your neck and that does help so you don't over heat.
    Have a wonderful and relaxed afternoon and enjoy your evening along with that delicious meal that 2nd man is preparing for you.

  2. Tommy has taken to watering very late and still overheats. Stay safe out there.

  3. You're off to the farm I am off to the laundry

  4. Glad you’re taking the outside work in bits and pieces during this High Heat.
    What a wonderful meal to come home to at the end of the day!


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