
Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Was at the farm Saturday but it is just getting so hot so quick this year. 

I started early and got most of it done.

But hey!  It's better than the last mowing!  Looking more like "normal".

I was done much faster than normal.  2nd Man said it was like the NASCAR of mowing!

Like this?  I'll take it!  LOL!

After lunch and a cool down on the porch, I started on the orchard area.  I got the three middle ones more or less done (the cleaning out and around) but then it was just too hot to risk it.

It'll all be there next weekend...and the weekend after that and the weekend after that...etc.

It was a "feels like" of 109 degrees.  Yep, it was definitely time to call it a day.

A friend sent this to us...sounds about right.

Stay cool out there!


  1. My saying for now: hibernate and hydrate! That's what I am doing! 97° forecast for today!

  2. Yard work is exhausting and when done in the heat which can drain ones energy one must take care not to over do it and stay hydrated

  3. 100F here today, but it was so dry that the 'feels like' was less than actual temperature.

  4. From the looks of it; looks like your fruit trees are doing well.
    Gosh, I think hubby has a die cast of Chad Little's John Deere car.
    Right now, I'm ready for an ice cream sundae or root beer float
    Stay cool and stay safe.

  5. It’s HOT and getting hotter! Starting early on yard work in this kind of heat is the way to go.
    Your orchard looks like it’s growing well.
    I love your meme! It’s sooo true!😀


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