
Monday, July 8, 2024


 It has been a crazy morning without much sleep.

Here is the radar at about 5am when the howling of the wind woke us up.  We're downtown, the red pin.

Four hours later, it was slow moving and we are in the intense part of it, the dirty side.

Here it is a bit ago, it's finally moving out.  The eye went over the farm.

We had winds of 90mph sustained.
There has been 10 inches of rain (and counting).
2.1 million people are without power.
Bayous are overflowing in some areas.
Airports are closed.
Many roadways are impassible.
2 fatalities so far.

A coworker sent this picture she took from her front porch.  She said it has been very scary.

And here are a couple of videos.

First up, one I took from our balcony (door open, hand outside, I didn't go ONTO the balcony, ha).

Wish you could hear the howling wind, it makes this eerie whistling noise. Like some end of the world movie.

Then there is this video that "J" from 2nd Family send showing how intense it was at the farm:

Yikes!  She said she is finally able to sleep and will be taking a nap...well deserved nap after the night she had out there.

The mayor just told everyone to stay home and shelter in place while they get emergency crews out across the city, they are still rescuing people and trying to get power back on to essential areas.

I think we might take a well deserved nap as well...


  1. OMG ... I am just now watching an update on MSNBC! Yes, you did not want to be out in that! Wonder what you will find at the farm! Glad you are OK!

  2. Glad you're OK. Did the power stay on?

  3. omg, wow!!! stay safe!!!!

  4. So good to hear from you and that you're both safe. Hopefully you don't have much wind damage at the farm. Nice to hear that 2nd family made it through the storm as well.
    Stay safe. If possible; enjoy your evening and hopefully you didn't loose power.

  5. Stay safe, and hopefully no damage at the farm !

  6. I hope there is little to no damage at the farm, I wouldn't go out onto the balcony either

  7. At least y'all are safe and somewhat sound. I hope there wasn't too much damage at your farm.

  8. Hoping your Farm did not get damaged. Scary pictures and video! Beryl was very wild and destructive.
    So after Beryl dealt with us, it went onto y’all and continued the awfulness. What a terrible night. I didn’t sleep at all, standing guard over my house. It was scarier because it was night and not being able to see the storm’s fury but hearing the eerie wind noises and hearing limbs and trees go down was frightening. They kept hitting my roof, scaring me into fearing for my roof. Power went out about 3:00 a.m. Then it was scary and hot.
    Today, no cell service, no texts, and no internet until about 8:00 pm. Power is still out.
    Branches, limbs, and whole trees are all over yards and streets. Everyone was working all day to clean up the debris and still not finished. Everyone was searching for ice today to try to save their refrigerator and freezer contents. No one had ice except good ol’ Walmart. I walked in and saw the box full of ice and was sooo thankful. For tonight, I have a small battery-powered fan to try to sleep somewhat comfortably.

  9. Been in FL 20 years. Making cold brew coffee using a Toddy system has become one of my hurricane prep rituals. (I have a camping stove to heat the water on.) Hurricane Charlie taught me I can cope with about anything - including having a CNN Helicopter over my roof taking pictures of my neighborhood because other people's hurricane damage is just so darn interesting! - long as I have hot coffee!


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