
Friday, July 12, 2024


We recently signed another year lease at our apartment (the last one we have to deal with, or at the most, month to month for a couple of months since we are building a new house) and the leasing office dropped this off at our front door with our lease papers...

A bottle of wine!  Trader Joe's.  We enjoy TJ's house wine, it's good to drink AND, since they say to always cook with a wine you would drink, 2nd Man uses it in recipes too.  We'll just keep this for cooking.

Tied to the bottle with a ribbon were some stalks of dried smelled so wonderful!

We thought it was a great way to present a bottle of wine as a gift (we'll have to remember that if we ever take a bottle of wine as a gift)!  It was a very nice gesture and will be appreciated and used to its fullest!

And now the clock starts ticking!


  1. Class. Shows in the little things. Sounds like you're weathering the aftermath of Beryl. Hope you have power in that heat…. Kris in Ohio

  2. I am glad you posted the picture of the wine gift. That is a lovely presentation and I am making a mental note of it. We will be taking a bottle as a hostess gift next week, and my lavender is blooming right now.

  3. A beautiful way to add that little special touch!

  4. What a wonderful landlord you have
    You have a nice bottle of wine to drink when it comes time for that 1st night into your new home.
    You both have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and stay cool.

  5. this is so very exciting! joyce


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