
Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Literally and figuratively, ha. 

First of all, we had another post ready to go, about an appointment we had for the new house but alas, we've had to cancel the appointment.

We're under all sorts of flood watches and warnings and they say it's best to stay off the roads.  So, there's that weather and then there is under the weather.

Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I was getting sick and sure enough I did.  I took a COVID test yesterday and another moments ago...

Both negative so that's good.  COVID is making a resurgence by the way, we have a few clients who are VERY sick and my boss (who is out of town) got it for the second (third?) time and he said it has been brutal.  Not sure if these are new variants, but we were hoping it wasn't that.  Thankfully, just appears to be a Summer cold.  Now this morning, 2nd Man woke up and he is getting sick as well.

He's going to run to the store and get some veggies and a couple of chickens and we're going to have a giant pot of chicken soup.

Chicken soup and the Olympics...should be a good weekend to lay around and rest!

Hope your weekend is off to a better start!


  1. Sorry to hear this. I'm making vegetable soup today to use up some of the many I've been getting from the CSA.

  2. Sorry to read you feel like crap, I hope things improve soon

  3. Even with continued mask wearing and all the vaccines, I have still gotten some sort of covid twice.

    1. Forgot to say, enjoy the chicken soup and the Olympics.

  4. Seen on local news that Houston was to receive much rainfall again.
    Enjoy your chicken soup. Sounds wonderful.
    Get well wishes to you both.
    Well, sounds like we will be getting into triple digit temperatures for days to come. Can't believe that July is almost over with. Where has the year gone? I think the older we get; the faster the months go bye.
    Take care, stay safe and enjoy that soup. Chicken Soup; good for the soul.
    Have a wonderful & Blessed weekend.

  5. So sorry to hear you both are sick. Chicken Soup is so good when you’re not feeling well.
    Hoping you feel better soon.

  6. I'd suggest taking another covid test later on because it's mutated enough that the tests aren't showing positives until several days in. Hope y'all get to feeling better soon no matter what's causing it!

  7. I really wish when people were sick they did not go to the store like 2nd man. That means other people who are healthy are exposed. Growing up it was common sense to stay home when sick. I understand how disappointing not being able to go to the house appt must be.

  8. If anything will make you two fellas feel better, it will be good chicken soup and curling up with Hobart!

  9. Hope all y'all feel real good real soon!!!


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