
Monday, August 12, 2024


Hot weekend.  Ugh.

I said I wouldn't mow, but I needed to get the mower out to go around the barn/shed so that I could edge, and also do the orchard area.  Since I was on the mower, I decided to go ahead and mow the driveway and the front yard.  It'll give me a head start.

It was only 30 minutes so that's better than normal.  But then I had to edge. The shed and barn were out of control so I started that.

The picture above is from a couple of weeks ago.  The back was even worse, ha.  It was a lot of work in the heat.  I had to mow first, then cut the thicker stuff by hand, then slowly edge around it.  After I edged, I had to use the mower to clean it up some more and then I edged the stray pieces and finally sprayed some vinegar around to keep the weeds at bay, for a bit anyway.

Here is the after for the barn.  So much neater.

Here is the mower shed.  Also much neater.

And such a relief.  There's something about seeing it visually all neat and clean that helps the mental angle, like a big weight off myself shoulders.

I got the orchard about halfway done but by then it was just TOO hot to finish.

When I left it was 99 degrees and felt like 111.  No rain in the forecast for the next ten days so I definitely shouldn't need to mow next weekend at all and hope to be able to finish the edging.

2nd Man keeps reminding me, this is the last August I'll be doing this back and forth with no a/c and in the heat of the day. This time next year, we'll be living out there and I can mow the driveway early in the morning, skip a day, mow the yard another day, do the trails another time.  But best of all, I can mow and take a break INSIDE where it's cold, have cold drinks ready and take a shower as needed.

Plus, 2nd Man will have fabulous snacks and lunches and dinners ready whenever I come in.


  1. LOL ... I don't think Hobart is the only spoiled "tomcat" in that household! 😺
    Life will be easier all around once you get settled into your new home!

  2. All sounds like a great plan just knowing that you won't have to be driving back and forth from the city to the farm.
    Be just a matter of time when you will be counting the days when you will actually be at the farm full time.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.

  3. Everything looks so neat after mowing and edging! But to get all that done at one time can be so tiring and especially draining in this heat. As 2nd Man says, next year it will be so much easier.

  4. At my house when I mowed with the reel mower, I would mow three or four times each week, timing it so the part of yard I mowed was in the shade. I never broke a sweat. Being your own scheduler for mowing is wonderful. When I mowed with gas mower, I took four baths one day and washed my hair three times. I needed to get the sweat and grass off me.

  5. Well done ! Proud of you . It looks well cared for now πŸŒΏπŸ’™πŸ¦‹


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