
Monday, September 2, 2024


It's been a busy weekend  but feels like nothing major got done, ha.  The farm was a rain out, couldn't mow but I did get some of the kitchen stuff packed up.  I guess that's progress.  Sunday was our home builder appointment and while it was fun and we did what we needed to do, it took up our entire Sunday, getting home at 7:30pm so Sunday was a wash out.  Today is the first day of just relaxing and it's kind of "meh", ha.

We ate some good food.  Here are some skinless oven roasted chicken legs, lemon pepper broccolini and homemade corn tortillas.  Today we are having pozole rojo, it's on the stove cooking now and smells so good (with some more homemade corn tortillas!).

Hobart is taking the weekend to rest, as usual.  You can see in the background here, we have a cardboard box that he like to sleep on so we leave it there but there was a ray of sunshine and he needs to recharge.  Of course, he's our ray of sunshine so there's that.  Because...


Hope you all have had a great weekend!  Tomorrow, more new house teaser!


  1. Hobart has the right idea lay in the sub and have a nap

    1. He's good at that. We could all take a lesson, ha.

  2. Another beautiful and healthy meal!
    Hobart lying in his sun puddle!


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