
Thursday, September 19, 2024


Saw these at the store a couple of months back and meant to post about it but forgot...

Apparently waxed amaryllis is a thing.  They don't require water or soil (which is amazing by itself) but are, from what we've read, a one shot item.  You put them on your desk or table in the sunlight and they bloom and do their thing with flowers and then it's done.  The roots are removed prior to waxing, so I think even taking off the wax won't help.  So, do you just throw them away?  It seems kind of cool but wasteful at the same time, LOL.  Amaryllis flowers are so pretty.

Anyway ever had one of these?


  1. Never heard about these but did find a link for you. From what I gather; Once it is done blooming, you remove the wax and repot the bulb.

  2. I have never heard of these either. After googling, I was glad to read that the wax can be removed, the roots will regrow, and they can be replanted to continue their life. I love amaryllis and have some in my flower beds.

  3. Yes! Both of mine grew and bloomed. Replanted both outside and they lived to bloom again. They make great Christmas gifts. Brookwood Community sells them at holiday time. Deb

  4. I have always found them "over the top" to look at. Roderick P.S. I am pleased that the house plans are making both of you so excited and content.

  5. I bought one even though it was too expensive. It bloomed and was very small. I let it sit here until about June and threw it out. Even though the bloom was gone, the long leaves grew. I figured it might be making another flower for this Christmas.

  6. If treated properly, they will regrow and sometimes bloom again. There are a ton of you tube videos on this subject. If you are interested in getting one of these, take a look. Lots of beautiful flowers on these videos.

  7. They make great Christmas gifts for people who don't like to mess much with plants. I gave them to two sisters and they raved about them! I doubt that they replanted them but I definitely would have given that a try.

  8. Yep have purchased them eight weeks before Christmas for years. Yes they are a one time thing and make great gifts,


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