
Thursday, September 12, 2024


Not too long ago, I was at our local grocery store (HEB, a Texas institution, ha) and they had these umbrellas.

They are large "golf umbrellas" as they call them.  Best of all, they were only $6 each, so I picked up four.  They are large (golf size, whatever that is) and the other reason we had to have them is this...

They are the Texas flag design and colors!

We figured it would be nice to have an umbrella stand by the front door (or maybe the door to the garage) for not only us if needed, but for guests who arrive or have to leave in the rain.  We can walk them in or out.

Seems cool to have a set of farm umbrellas.


  1. Can tell you had not wind with the umbrellas still there on the yard right where you put them. They are pretty cool. I seen them here at the HEB store as ell. The big ones like that are nice to have on hand. Great purchase.
    Enjoy your evening and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Actually, funny you said that, it was windy when I first put them out and a couple blew across the yard but there was a brief moment of calm, ha.

  2. I love those Texas flag umbrellas! Great idea to have them at the door.

    1. I think we even have an umbrella stand at the farm that I'll have to make sure gets to storage.

  3. I love walking with my golf size umbrella in a nice cool rain, no storms just a mild rain. Those umbrellas are beautiful.

    1. I never thought about just enjoying a walk in a nice gentle rain. That must be lovely!! Thanks!!!


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