
Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Years ago, twenty to be exact, I bought this for 2nd Man for our fifth anniversary.

The traditional gift for five years is wood and this is wood!  Yeah, I tend to think out side the box, ha. 

It's a Philco 37-630T tabletop radio.  I did some research, and it is from 1937, so it is almost NINETY years old.  We love the art deco styling and super cool retro design with the beautiful wood.

It still worked the last time we plugged it in (a couple of years ago).  It takes a little time to warm up, but when it does, it works great, and it even picks up short wave stations.  It probably needs a full restoration but when I bought it all those years ago, it had already been cleaned and made to be in working condition.

We haven't had it at the apartment due to space limitations, but we can't wait to find the right spot for it at the new house.  We really like the idea of filling the house with both the latest in high tech and then old school vintage or antique tech.  It'll be a nice combination of new and old.

Anyway, thought we'd share!


  1. Wonderful! Have y'all ever watched the UK show Repair Shop on Prime Video? Repair folks on that show could tune up your radio if/when it needs it but they're rather far away. We find the show delightful, but we're right much older than y'all are so it's our speed.


    1. Have never seen that but we have Prime so we will check it out. Age is just a number, ha.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! We had it out at the house of course but after we sold it , we moved it to the farm and then to storage. Can't wait to have it out again.

  3. That is a cool radio. We bought an old, old radio turntable combo several years ago. (Looks like something from the late 30's-early 40's)The radio works and I am sure if we could get someone to repair the turntable it would work also. Meanwhile it is just a cool accent piece in the lower den.

    1. They do make a great conversation piece for sure. An old turnable it always cool and still useful if you have records, ha.

  4. OK. Now I have radio envy. That's a piece of art.

    1. Awww, thanks. It does look very stylish and cool.

  5. An oldie but a goodie. Such a lovely radio. Makes for a great conversation item.
    Have a Wonderful and Blessed week

    1. Right? Yep, we really can't wait to find the right spot for it. Funny story, when I was young, my parents bought an old radio kind of like this (more of large stand up kind) and I thought it would play "old music", ha!!!!

  6. That’s a beauty! I love the art deco look. It will be beautiful in your new home.

    1. Thank you, yes the art deco appealed to me and 2nd Man love it, ha.

  7. I have an old radio that belonged to my grandparents. I've been scared to plug it in. It's probably older than the one you have. I have it sitting on my stereo floor speakers.

    1. Now that's cool. Heck, I hear ya, I was kind of scared to plug this in the first time, ha. It's funny watching it "warm up".


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