
Friday, February 28, 2025


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor, and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Saw this partially in a box in the trash and knew exactly what it was.  I brought it upstairs.

A doorstop!  (at least we still think it's a doorstop, ha).  It's made of a heavy cast iron and is a dark brown/bronze color.  It worked great to keep this door open (one that tends to slowly close on its own).

Nice detail of a pineapple which of course is a symbol of hospitality, welcome and good luck.  It will be the perfect thing to use on a door at the new house!

An early housewarming gift! 😊


  1. Another great find! I love the pineapple ... I have an old antique iron I use as a doorstep!

  2. You are gonna miss that little honey hole when you finally get moved.

  3. Why in the world would someone put it in the trash? Aren't there Goodwill Stores or other Thrift shops near there that take donations?

  4. Another great find. I am going to miss seeing these when you move.

  5. Great find and useful treasure. It will look great in your new house; adding just a little bit of accent color.
    I'm with Marcia. Why, Oh why would anyone throw such items away? (thank goodness there are good in some, like yourself that save them wonderful items from going to the landfills.
    "It's not about the junk, treasures / or the finds; it's what you do with it"
    Have yourselves a wonderful day and enjoy your weekend.

  6. Yes, that is I up above. ( anonymous) Yahoo is messing with email / web site again. Wish they would leave well enough alone.

  7. Love that! I really love iron doorstops and that is a great one.

  8. That is a wonderful find. I love it.

  9. Does it have any printing on the bottom of it to give you a hint of where it was made?

  10. They're selling this on Amazon and Wayfair for $35-$42. Good find.

  11. That is a beautiful find! I love the pineapple design. It’s much better than the piece of petrified rock that I use for a doorstop!


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