
Friday, September 27, 2013


This is Brisbane and Sydney...they were laying on some pillows in the window one day when I snapped this picture.  What's funny is that I took the picture (several actually) and I went to pet Brisbane and he hissed at me!

All I could think was "look but don't touch", ha!

It's Friday!  Weekend almost here!


  1. 1st Man,

    You're lucky yours just hisses, my sisters would bite like a booger.

    1. LOL! I've seen some cats like that. Actually, Sydney, the black and white one, will let either of us pet him as much as we want but a stranger should be careful, ha.

  2. What a fearsome army of two, directing their laser beams at you - guess we know who the bosses are in your house! But they are still lovable, even if they do hiss occasionally!

    1. HA! I like that, they can be a fearsome army of two at times. They are very sweet most of the time and definitely lovable.

  3. Precious, precious babies. I recently adopted a little black kitten with white paws just like Sydney! I named him Boots. I think he must have Sydney's disposition too. He's very affectionate. I love to hear his little motor running when ya pet him.

    1. Sydney has a very loud purr machine. It's funny how with three cats, they can be so different in purring. I love a loud purr. It makes me happy.

  4. I'm not much of a Pinner (haven't quite figured it out!), but I just HAD to pin that photo to my Feline Friends board!

    1. You are very kind! Pin away, I don't mind. I haven't done much with pinterest myself, as far as pinning things but it's on my winter 'things to learn' list, ha. Thanks!!!


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