
Friday, September 27, 2013


OK, I was roaming around on the property recently and stumbled across this.  I have never see it before, so it's grown since the last time I was over there on that part of the property.  Kind of strange how something like this can just pop up.  I guess maybe it WAS there but smaller and I just didn't notice.  Still, with not a lot of plant diversity on our property, I like something different and unexpected.

Not sure what type they are, but we'll keep them!

Well, the cooler weather is gone, just as quickly as it came, ugh, but we'll be out at the farm this weekend anyway, checking things out.  Probably still no Big Green Zen Machine time, though the 4" of rain last weekend might have created some growth for this weekend.  And of course, there are those BABY CHICKS to see!


  1. Looks like you got Yucca plant - very drought resistant and blooms in pretty white flowers.

    1. YUCCA! I knew it looked familiar. White flowers? I can't wait to see that. The drought resistant is a good thing, ha.

  2. Yes that's yucca, also known as Adam's needle for a very good reason, the 'leaves' have very sharp needle pointed tips. Be careful, they really hurt. Apparently the natives used to use the leaves in shredded form to make rope and the roots to make soap. They will grow a very tall spike with white bell shaped flowers, which are edible, but I have no idea what they taste like.
    I'd say you have several years of growth here, the larger one looks like one I just cut down after the last trimming 4 years ago.

    1. Yeah they are in an area that I haven't started clearing out until recently. I guess I never paid them any attention and with the lack of rain, the plants around it sort of fizzled out and so they stood out better. I love that there are uses to it. I will have to research that. Thank you!

  3. 1st Man,

    Those are Yucca's. You can use this plant in many ways i.e.: use root for making soap, flower can be eaten only when there young, stalks can be used for making shelter, and the Spanish daggers (green part) can be used for making grills.

    1. Yay, I love that there are other uses for it. "spanish daggers"? Love that name, ha. I need to do some research. Thank you very much for the info!

  4. Enjoy your weekend here. It's getting cooler in Arizona as well.

    1. Hope you get some rain! Still not cooler here, but it's coming, I just know it!

  5. I have a couple of Yuccas in my yard here in Alabama. I give them away and they sprout all over my yard.

    1. Prolific huh? I don't want them all over but a few more would be nice. I wonder how they are propagated?

    2. Like hostas - dig them up and plant parts of the root/tuber in different places.

      I have one, came with the house, that I have been trying to kill for 15 years, Don't let them get too big before you dig them up again...

    3. Cappy, thanks for the tip. Sounds like it can't be too hard. I wouldn't mind a few along the fences, could act as security, ha. Thank you!!!

  6. I'm kind of new here. Loving your simple, yet beautiful site. Do you have pics of outside and inside of house? I've been subscribed for a few months. I'm dying to see inside of home.

    1. Well hello! You are very sweet! Thank you and welcome! There are pics as it was a work in progress (and still is to a large degree) but you know what? That gives me an inspiration for a post. Let me take some pics of each room, next time we go out there (next weekend, since we're in town today with the rain) and I'll have a "home tour" of sorts, just for you and other new followers. Thanks for the idea. And welcome again!

  7. Funny you mentioned yucca. The other day I was thinking about trying to find some locally so I could try to make yucca root soap.

    1. Yucca root soap? Seriously? OK, off to 'the google' now, ha.

    2. here's where I first read about it 1st man.

    3. Here's where I first read about it 1st man.>>


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