
Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Saw this and loved it... a sad but oh so true way of course.  There is a place in the suburbs of Houston where they cleared a huge area of land, left a large oak tree at the entrance to the new neighborhood and named the street/area "Lone Oak". 

Um, it wasn't "lone" until the developers MADE it "lone"...

As for the giveaway of the green Ball brand jars, good news...I was waiting for the company to confirm something with me before we picked a winner and I did just hear from them.  There will be TWO winners!  Yay!  So tonight when we get home, we'll pull two names from the bucket and see who the lucky winners are!

Check back later!


  1. Two winners? can't wait. going out to pick beans now. And when I've stripped all the plants of beans I will name the road in front of it "Bean There Done That Lane"

    1. Dang I wished you would have won too. I'm going to try to get another one going soon, I will keep you posted! Love the name "Bean there done that lane" sounds like something a developer would come up with, LOL!

  2. Such a sad story about 'lone oak'. It's a wonder the environment doesn't rise up and squash us because of the way we continually rape the land and plunder her resources.

    1. I often say the same thing....sometimes when I hear wild weather stories or strange environmental things, I'm fond of saying "the Earth is getting ticked off....".

  3. They do the same over hear, so you are not alone.

    1. Sad huh? I often like to think (hope?) that other places aren't as bad as here but sigh, I guess not....

  4. So sad about the "Lone Oak" and all the other instances like that. And that so many do not respect the earth and its natural beauty. Thankfully there are also people out there like you and 2nd Man who are working with Mother Nature to nurture your patch of land!

    1. Definitely!!! There are so many sad examples of stuff like that. Thank you for the kind words, we'll see what we can do with out little plot of land. And by the way, congrats! ;-)

  5. I didn't know that subdivisions came with names till a few years ago. I grew up in northern Phoenix, AZ, and it was just known as "the desert." As I grew in came the houses, a freeway, and hundreds of little town homes without yards. I think it's amazing that so many people can live together with everything going mostly smooth, but it's pretty sad that they'll never know about the gocarting and forts and Christmas trees made out of tumble weeds and standing in the monsoon among the fragrant desert plants.
    Through my county website I can view bird's eye images of my home street over the years. Thirty something years ago it was the house my dad built and one neighbor (who is still there, and saved us kids' lives a million times over growing up). It is currently full-on suburb/city. My parents had to move fifty miles further north to escape it.


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