
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Here is a recipe we sort of just made up with some things we had on hand.  Now I ask for it regularly, ha.  I had this post made up and saved and then it got pushed down the list with other posts in progress.  I thought it was time to pull it back up to the top and post it!

We decided to call it "Three P Pasta":

Saute the pancetta in a skillet over medium high heat with the shallots until brown and caramelized.

Add the peas and pea shoots and saute for a few more minutes.  While this is all happening, boil some pasta in salted water, we used linguine.  Turn off the heat.

Take the pasta out of the water with tongs and put it into the pan immediately with the peas and pancetta so that some of the water drips in and helps create a bit of sauce.  The hot pasta steams the pea shoots a bit.  Add the pepper and lemon juice now and then toss.
THREE P PASTA (Pancetta Pea Parmesan)
The last thing to do is to dish it into bowls, shave some fresh Parmesan over the top of it all and serve.  Holy cow, delicious and yummy, and as I said it quickly became one of my new favorite dishes.


1 lb of pancetta
 2 shallots
1 lb fettuccine pasta
1 pkg of frozen peas, thawed
A handful or two of pea shoots
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Pepper to taste

See above photos for steps.



  1. Replies
    1. Why thank you much, coming from your wonderful food on your blog, that's a definite compliment.

  2. It does look delicious. Though it is one of those dishes that I can't make. My husband hates peas for some reason. Who on earth hates peas?

    1. I hate green peas with a passion. My younger daughter is allergic to them. Maybe I am allergic to them. But, I sit like a kid and pick them all out of anything that happens to have one. I substitute green beans for peas in every recipe.

    2. That is so interesting. I've heard of lots of people not liking peas. I do love them, thankfully, it's probably one of my favorites. Yummy! Daphne, what you should say to your hubby is "good, that's more for me", ha. And Practical Parsimony, you know, green beans would probably work just fine! Heck most of what we cook we just sort of make up as we go along, ha.

  3. wow, does that look good...whatever pea shoots are....I shall have to google them.

    1. Ha, I should have explained. They are sort of like micro greens, the young pea plant after it's grown a few inches. We found handfuls of them at the farmers market. They have a pea like flavor, kind of delicate. But I don't think they would be integral to the dish. Some mild, tender greens of any kind would work too. :-)

  4. I love a dish made up of stuff you just happen to have... this looks so tasty and really healthy... love pasta, such a special treat!

    1. Thank you, and everything on your blog looks tasty too! Isn't pasta great? Oh my, it's one of my favorites. I think I must have been Italian in a former life, ha. Thanks for stopping by! We're going to try to have more cooking posts as we remember to do it, ha.

  5. only one word - yummeh! gonna have to give this one a try for sure!

    much love to both of you! your friend,

    1. Yummeh is right!! Just make it up as you go along, that's the best way huh?

  6. I have fresh peas in the garden, will have to try!! I have tons of fresh basil I would add :)

    1. Mmm, basil might be nice. Will have to try that sometime. Sigh fresh peas, I bet they are awesome. Peas don't grow well down here, unfortunately.

  7. Really? I'm the only one who had to google pancetta? Looks like it was well worth the effort, & this will make the new dish night cut! Thanks for sharing!

    1. LOL, pancetta is 'fancy bacon', ha. Thanks for posting a great comment!

  8. Looks yummy & very easy. Well done your recipes are soooo good!!

    1. Aww, thanks, you are very sweet. We always think we have some hits and misses, just hope the hits are the ones we post, ha.

  9. My mouth started watering when I saw your picture. Can't wait to try this recipe! Easy and tasty - who could ask for anything more! Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Easy as can be. And very delicious. Hope you try it. Glad we could share one with you. :-)


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