
Thursday, September 11, 2014



  1. yes,,,,,I love to see that flag, our neighbors to the south's flag, today is a day to make us remember,

  2. I was feeding my newborn daughter, in the wee hours of the morning, with the tv quietly on when live images started to be broadcast of the attack. The first tower had been hit and I watched in horror as the second plane hit the second tower and then the subsequent collapse of both buildings. I still see those images in my minds eye as clearly now as I saw it then, 13 years ago. Oh to see an end to terrorism but I fear not in my life time.

    1. Sadly, I'm not sure we'll ever see an end to terror will we? We too remember that morning so clearly. I can still see and remember everything. It takes a time like this to reflect and hope and pray that people someday learn from the horror of that day.

  3. Thank you for this. Very nice. It is a day of reflection.

    1. Thanks. Reflection is a great way to describe it.

  4. I don't often post anywhere about this. I"m one of your regular readers and don't normally post anonymously but on 9/11 I lost someone very dear to me in the WTC. I take today and stay home. I saw your post and was touched by its simplicity. Very impactful. Thank you for remembering.

    1. Wow. I had no idea but I understand why some people keep that quiet. Our thoughts are always with you and everyone who was impacted by the tragedy of that day. I was going to write a longer post but I just thought something simple was best. Again, thinking of you this day and always.


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