
Sunday, January 29, 2017


Didn't want everyone to wonder where we were.  2nd Man is of course staying in town and still resting up from his accident, I've been buying more wood and having it cut and then building some raised beds.  Pictures later today.

Hope you are having a great weekend.  It's a bit cool here in the morning but the day is absolutely gorgeous.  My muscles are sore, but it is what it is, ha.  


  1. Hope you had a good day at the Farm! It was beautifully sunny but a little chilly.

  2. 1st Man,

    I'm happy to hear 2nd Man was resting up from the accident and doing better. You've been pretty busy, don't over do it!!! Can't wait to see pictures later :-)

  3. Hope you had a wonderful day @ the farm and that you got things accomplished that you wanted to do.
    For me; I didn't get anything accomplished that I wanted to do. Was just one of them days where things don't go as planned.
    It actually turned out to be a beautiful day tho.


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