
Friday, January 27, 2017


Time for another thrift store find...

Found these at a thrift store last week at lunch.  I'm sure they aren't old but they are fascinating nonetheless.  They are candle holders of course and hold tapers of any size but the cool thing about them is...

...they have handles to carry them. I guess sort of a candle powered flashlight, LOL.  They'll be useful at the farm if we have a power failure or just to maybe carry outside at night to the porch (not in a strong wind though, ha!).

They were $2.50 each so $5 for both, not a bad deal for something fun.  If nothing else, they'll be a great conversation starter. 


  1. Them are Awesome looking. What a great find and such a great price.
    I picture them to be used as solar light holders.
    Add a long section of wood or wooden plaque (Wood piece longer than holder itself) of sorts to the back screwing where the handle is and hang by screwing the upper and lower section of the wood/plaque and secure on each side of your shed doors, garden post area, etc.and instead of candles, place solar lights inside.

  2. I notice there's a hole in the handle for hanging. That makes them doubly useful. I love unique items such as these.

  3. soooo incredibly beautiful, useful and unique...but then so are you and 2nd Man!!!

    sending much love, as always! your friend,

  4. Looks like a great product indeed. Warm greetings to you!

  5. these are very graceful. what a terrific find!

  6. Those are really cool - I like the handles. That was a great price.

  7. 1st Man,

    Nice candle holders, those will come in handy on those days when the electric is out.

  8. These candle holders are very cool! Great find and price. Wish I had found them myself. Enjoyed reading your blog today. I'll be back. ♥


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