
Thursday, October 26, 2017


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Putting food up, home canning and seasoning blends
Sometimes, inspiration comes when you least expect it. For us, it came yesterday when out of the blue, we received a package in the mail from a very dear friend.  She sent us a sampling of some of the wonderful items she puts up for her family every year.  She is a home canning machine!  And she even makes her own spice and seasoning blends.

Fresh dried pepper flakes, strawberry jam, caramel apple butter, banana pepper mustard, taco seasoning, chili seasoning, burger/fry seasoning, jalapeƱo relish, zucchini relish, and more.  

Of course we appreciate it so much and can't wait to try them all, but seeing it all lined up on the counter reminds us of why we want to have a garden. Why we want to have fruit trees. Why we want to learn all we can about putting things up.  So that we ca become more self sufficient.  

So we say THANK YOU, and...

Be inspired...


  1. I think I have canned just about any and everything. It is very rewarding and lasts so long. As I got older, I started freezing much and it also worked well. But, it looks so pretty in jars on the cabinet shelves. And now, such pretty jars are out. I have shelves full of jars left. If you ever drive near OK come and get them.

  2. Wow what a spread! Looks like all you need is some meat and have 2nd Man bake some bread and you’ll be set!!

  3. What a Surprise on this weeks Inspiration Thursday.
    I thought maybe more lovely flower beds, beautiful 3 tiered fountain in your yard, or maybe even a treehouse or picture of a chicken coop or even a back patio deck for your Thursday Inspiration.
    Right on Janie; all they need now is the meat, bread and a veggie of sorts.

  4. What a lovely gift! You are right about the inspiration. I need to be canning a few things for gifts right away. Rosemary jelly maybe . since I have a lot of rosemary.

  5. Whoever made that knows what she’s doing it all looks wonderful! Blessings! Renee

  6. Such a thoughtful, generous gift. You will enjoy experimenting with all those yummy creations and aren't surprises the best!!

  7. That's some hard work right there! Because you know she made probably a dozen of each of those in a big batch of canning each tine. You are lucky!!!

    Enjoy and let us know how yummy they are!


  8. Congrats on the tasty gift! But, please put it in the dark of a cabinet. Light, moisture, heat and time destroy flavor and vitamins.

  9. Wow, what a beautiful, generous gift! A lot of work went into all of that. Since it's going to be cold this weekend, it would be the perfect time to have fun sampling some of the bounty.

  10. What a lovely gift, you're so lucky :D Have you decided on chair colours yet? I love the red set.x

  11. What an amazing friend and gift!

  12. What a fantastic gift!! That is a really good friend!!
    Lovely stuff -- and so many possible yummy recipes right there!

    Can't wait to see how you put each and every one to good use! :)

    And Happy Halloween!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage


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