
Friday, October 27, 2017


OK after months of waiting and putting it off, we finally ordered a weather vane for the top of the barn/workshop.  Here it is:

Rooster Weathervane 
We figured this seemed like the right one the moment we saw it.  We wanted something with an animal of some sort on there. Pigs, cows, they didn't seem right.  The rooster?  Yep something about that seemed like the right one to pick. It's black and white, with a little red, it will fit with the colors.

Barn decor
It's going to go up here, along with the large white metal star we have.  Of course guess what?  We STILL need a ladder to reach all this!  We'll get that soon and then be able to get them both put up.  This was going to be a Fall/Winter project anyway so the timing is just right as cooler weather finally comes in.    


  1. The weather vane is going to looking really nice a top of your barn shed (great choice) as with the star.

    Gosh, temperature really dropped and is Very windy today. Good thing I have large crock pot full of chicken noodle soup on. (Hot soup to warm the soul)

  2. I love your rooster weather vane! With the white star, it will be perfect for your Farm.

    This cooler weather feels so refreshing after all the hot muggy. My recently planted fall/winter garden is going to appreciate it also.
    I'm with Colleen - I'm going to put on a nice pot of soup for these chilly nights.

  3. The rooster is so iconic it's perfect!

  4. Wonderful! I love weather vanes. I am holding off buying one until we set down our roots in a few years!! :)

  5. Terry, I accidentally deleted your post so I'm putting up this way. My apologies. We got some spam that slipped through and I was trying to edit them.

    "OH my I love this! It will look so iconic on top of your barn. FYI you might should check out QVC (shopping channel) it has some really cool adjustable ladders that might work all over your place out there. - Terri D"

    1. Terri. Dang, I messed up your whole comment, sorry. ;-)

  6. And all the time I thought you were going to strap 2nd man on the roof for a weather vane! :-)

  7. Better yet; mount the neighbors run-away cow. Use as weather vane or find yourself a good butcher. :} After all, it did cut and fertilize your yard.

    Just too bad your rooster weather vane doesn't crow at sunrise :} Be something if it where sound activated.


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