
Sunday, October 29, 2017


I wish the weather was like this more often (OK, maybe a tad bit warmer at night). Yesterday was just as perfect as today is going to be.  It was a bit cool when I got to the farm but oh my, the day turned out to be perfect, just absolutely perfect.  

It's one of those weekends where I just don't know what to do first.  And my mind was in a hundred directions (and I think I did about 30 of them, ha).  Just little things here and there, those little things you've wanted to do all Summer but it was just too hot.  Moving things around, cleaning, decluttering, planting, picking up trash in various receptacles, rearranging things, etc. 

Didn't spend the night because A) the house needs a good deep cleaning first and B) we have no TV out there and since the Astros are playing in the World Series, we have to watch that!

As this posts I'll be out there again, doing another couple dozen things on my list.  Updates later!
Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Was 33 deg once again this morning and Oh, that wind makes it feel that much colder. It's around in the mid 50's right now but going to get warmer............I hope as the day goes on.
    Enjoy your day

  2. It's 63 degrees! The natives are probably wearing heavy winter coats.


  3. It's less than 50 degrees and getting cooler by the minute. 70 is nice.

  4. 50's here in Illinois but no wind so we worked on barn roof. Winter is coming so we are enjoying these bonus days for sure.

  5. Enjoy your weekend at the farm! :) It's rainy, blustery and frrrrreezing here. I'm getting ready for Halloween today! :)


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