
Monday, October 2, 2017


In light of the horrific domestic terrorist event in Las Vegas, Nevada last night, we don't want to put up regular blog post today. We are just numb with the violence that continues seemingly unabated in our country year after year.

At least 59 dead, and now over FIVE HUNDRED injured and being treated in hospitals across the city.

Will catch up on blog comments tonight and new post tomorrow.

Hug the ones you love today...


  1. Wise words. I’m just numb to the violence. So sad.

  2. I slept late because I didn't sleep well last night and just learned of this terrible attack from your post. I'm shocked. One person shot so many.


  3. Such a tragedy. A person just can't make sense out of the whole ordeal. No rhyme or reason behind this mass shooting. Just can't figure out why anyone would do such a terrible thing.
    My heart goes out to all them families who have lost their loved ones and to all those injured and their families as well.
    Flags flown at half staff until sunset Oct. 6th. Lowered mine early this morning.

    1. I just can't even fathom the depth of pain and loss. It's always so somber to see the flag at half staff. Working on replacing a bird house pole with one for a flag at the farm.

  4. Replies
    1. You know we were just talking about that, it all the images of those beautiful children killed at Sandy Hook wouldn't do it, I'm not sure what will.

  5. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this latest obscenity.

  6. I fear no-one is immune but the US certainly seems to take a lions share. Such needless, senseless, pain and suffering. So very tragic.

    1. Every day every where so much violence. It just makes you wonder what has gone wrong with the world at times.

  7. Sadly, I was at Mom's taking care of her today and did not even know of this until late this afternoon. So senseless and horrible.

    1. In a way I wished sometimes I could just turn off the news, the breaking alerts on my phone and just live oblivious to everything.

  8. I heard of it shortly after it began to unfold last night. I was stunned and mesmerized as the death toll rose and the horrors were shown. so, I was up until 6:30 or later and slept a few hours. I am dead for sleep now and still it continues as the death toll rises and the stories continue.

    1. That was us, just about to go to bed about midnight when the breaking news alerts started to come in. I stayed up till 2am or a little past, 2nd Man made it only till 1am. Then I tossed and turned all night. Just so sad. Have to shut off the news periodically. Between Puerto Rico and now this, sigh.....

  9. 1st Man,

    It's heart breaking for sure. Our country needs to start helping those with mental health issues, and prosecute those who feel their above the law. Guns don't hurt or kill people, it's people who do so.


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