
Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Those who are regular readers know my fondness for "red" in the garden.  It all started when I bought a red, powder coated, tomato trellis. Then I found other styles online and ordered them for the garden last year. The link for the post when we first got them is viewable if you CLICK HERE.

 They've worked out great so far and held up well over two seasons now so recently, Gardeners Supply had a sale and we bought some more for future use.  I'm afraid that in a few years I won't be able to find them again and I figured why not get some now and store them until we need them?

They were supposed to be delivered the week of the hurricane but were delayed until about a week ago. Since it's still hot out, they will stay in the boxes until we need them (i.e. cooler weather). 

But hey a sale is a sale, ha. So we ordered two more pieces to add to our collection.

First up, another of the 4' square cucumber trellises. It fit our raised bed so perfectly (since it's 4' square) we figured we could put one in another bed.  

Here is the one we already have, in use for the first time this past Spring.  It worked GREAT for the pickling cucumbers and we have no complaints at all.  We decided that next year we will try to have two raised beds like this.  Hmm...twice as many cucumbers...someone remind us next Spring how many cukes we had from just this one raised bed.

This red trellis however is something new for us. It is a pea trellis. It's 64" tall and expandable to 9' long when fully extended. We'll put it in an 8' long raised bed and do a slight zigzag like the drawing above so it should fit perfectly inside the raised bed. 

What will we grow on it?  Well, this photo above is from 2nd Family's garden a couple of seasons ago.  They grew these "Alaska garden peas" and they did great for them.  We ordered some seeds and these will go in the ground next week, weather permitting. They have to have cooler weather to grow properly so we might have to wait two weeks.  I'm going to start the seedlings though inside the house.    

This weekend we were super busy. Had a baby shower to attend on Saturday and Sunday 2nd Man had to go in to work.  I was on my own for Sunday.  I went to the farm and mowed, it was still so hot, ugh.

I got the mowing done though, then watered everything, started setting up the soaker hoses in the garden since we've planned the Fall veggies and then I had to run some errands to get the things for some baskets, it's a project for 2nd Man's work 
(more on that in an upcoming post). 

However, it looks like this coming weekend will still be Summer, even though the calendar says it's Fall...

Will catch up on comments tonight! 
Hope you all had a great weekend!  


  1. Oh, I like that zig zag tall trellis. Great addition it will make for your garden. At least for time being you have a couple of nice sheds to store them in when not in use.
    I can't really complain about the temperatures right now. At least we aren't in the triple digits @ this time of year.

  2. It's a good idea to purchase something you like when it's available. I have a history of falling in love with certain items and then not being able to find them when I'm ready to buy.


  3. 1st Man,

    You've been busy preparing for your upcoming garden in the spring. Love the trellis' you recently purchased on sale.
    Can't wait to see them up with pea's, beans, and tomatoes growing on them.

    Don't work to hard!!!

  4. I love your red trellises. And you have a new one - a pea trellis. I am very interested in your future pea crops. I have never grown them. Are they like English peas?
    That was very smart of you to get those extra trellises while they are available - and on sale.

  5. Does the tall pea fence still come as two stackable panels? I'm waiting for them to redesign them as one single unit because setting up the two layers can be frustrating. That's the biggest complaint they get. However, there is a learning curve and it gets easier every year.


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