
Sunday, February 18, 2018


Those regular readers of the blog probably know this but for those new, we are NASCAR fans.  I grew up watching it with my parents and just became a fan through osmosis, ha.  2nd Man has just always enjoyed car racing.  

Today is "The Great American Race", otherwise known as the Daytona 500.  Someday, on our bucket list, is a trip to Daytona for the week.  


We have our shirts for this season and are ready to watch.  We're fans of a young driver, Daniel Suarez, who is now in his second season.  

We figured we'd fan crush on him this year, ha. 

For breakfast, 2nd Man whipped this up.  It's scrambled eggs with sausage links and diced sweet potatoes.  It was so good.  

Yesterday was farm day, but the weather was hit and miss, it sprinkled, it was cold in the morning then humid in the afternoon.  We'll have an update on that tomorrow.  

Today though, it's Daytona Day!


  1. What a relief to be spared enthusiasm about the Winter Olympics! But why no image of Daniel Suarez, your joint crush? Roderick

    1. You are correct!!! I have edited the post and put up a picture, ha. Yeah, the Olympics have been fun but kind of hit and miss. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I had heard nothing about Daytona until now. Wonder why? Have fun cheering.

  3. we're ryan blaney fans here, where his family is originally from. his family owns a track here, and i went there with my family many times as a kid. i'm 67 now. --suz in NE ohio


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