
Monday, February 19, 2018


Since Sunday was Daytona Day, we knew we'd be limited this weekend.  Of course the weather didn't exactly cooperate.  It was drizzling rain and cold when we got there.  Low 50's.  Then it got warmer and more humid.  Sunday we made it to 80. 

Some new friends.  Two donkeys, both very friendly.  Came over to the fence to see me when I called for them.  The bigger one came right up and nudged our hands and let us pet her.  The smaller one was a bit more hesitant but still very curious. 

I worked in the raised beds a bit, it was still cold at this point.  I pulled weeds/grass from the open beds.  It'll soon be time to turn the soil, add some more compost and get ready for Spring planting (which should happen in early March).

Where does the time go?

In Spring planting preparation news, we needed some fruit trees to replace the two that didn't make it last Summer.  One of the two apples died and I found this one, an "ANNA" variety, suited to our climate...

...and I found this peach tree. It is the "TROPIC BEAUTY" variety.  It will replace one of two we have that seemed to be struggling.

Notice they are both already in bloom. I guess Spring is coming soon!  Speaking of...

LOOK! It might only be weeds, ha, but at least something is turning green.  Nothing on the mesquite trees yet but soon, it'll be soon!

And in garden harvest news, yes, we finally have cabbages!  Two of them!  The big one is perfect, it's firm and looks like a store cabbage.  The smaller one I went ahead and cut because it was the second biggest and I'm not sure with the warm temps if we'll get the rest.  Jury is still out on growing cabbage again.  The Napa cabbage we grew Fall before last had a much better harvest.  We might do that again.

The collard greens though have been great.  This is another bunch of them.  We LOVE them.  More of them next Fall for sure.  

And just for fun, he's another pic of the little donkey...  

Oh what the heck, here's another because the little thing was so darn photogenic!

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. those donkeys are too cute! the cabbages are great! i've never had luck with cabbage. we are getting tons of rain right now.

    1. If you pull off all the blossoms, the trees will thrive. They need to work on putting out roots and strengthen the root system, not making fruit. Next year, you will have more and better fruit. You are so lucky to have animals close.

  2. Do the donkeys bray like they do in cartoons? Hee haw!

  3. Love those CUTE donkeys! You have so many animal friends, wild and tame, to keep you company at the Farm.
    Those cabbages look really nice. I think they need an early Fall planting for faster development.
    I recently saw this recipe for Roasted Cabbage “Steaks.” I think I’ll try it with the last of my cabbage.

    Roasted Cabbage Steaks
    Olive oil
    Sea Salt
    Garlic Powder (optional)

    Slice cabbage into 1-inch thick rounds.
    Rub on fresh garlic.
    Drizzle with olive oil.
    Sprinkle with sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
    Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

  4. Your new found friends are just adorable. I picture you planting an extra carrot patch just to feed your animal neighbors. By the way; how is that baby goat coming along; playful as ever I bet.
    Nice cabbage heads. As they say; 2 heads are better than one.'

  5. I love seeing pictures of the critters you have available for your enjoyment and entertainment. Don't give up on the cabbage if you really love it. This could just be one of those years I wouldn't grow. But I am with you on collards. I love them.

  6. i love donkeys! we ended up with a bunch of snow, so no working in the garden for me

  7. Love donkeys! Lucky you to have so many animals close by without all the work of taking care of them!

    Your cabbages look wonderful. I love cabbage and collards as long as they are not overcooked! You might like to try cabbage collards sometime. They are very tender and sweeter than some of the other varieties, especially after the frost hits them. I believe they are called yellow collards. Thankfully, a local nursery plants a field of them every year to sell which is good for me. I have never had much luck trying to grow them.


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