
Thursday, February 15, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Flowerbed photo via
Is this ever going to happen? We wish but realistically, probably not. Still, a picture like this can inspire us to do more. Even if it doesn't come out like this.  Even if we can't grow THESE plants here, it's still nice to see and give us a goal. Flowers with colors and textures and shapes and heights. 

Like I said, we won't duplicate this and won't pretend we will, but at least we can see something that reminds us how to create beauty.  And plus, seeing this in the middle of this dreary, wet, cold Winter is like, well, a breath of Spring!

Be inspired!


  1. Shoot, all you need is a full time gardener. Easy Peasy, then.

  2. beautiful! i am getting antsy to get in the garden. especially since it's almost 70 degrees out!

    1. Same here, it's now warm again but there are days of rain in the forecast. Sigh.

  3. You do call it "inspiration Thursday." That is not "reproduction Thursday." I read that homeowners should not aspire to have the same gardens that are in magazines because if a flower is not performing at the time of the pictures, pots of flowers fill in. They do not actually show a flower garden as it is, but supplement with the pots of flowers or newly planted flowers in full bloom. So, don't despair if your is not the same.

    You do sound down today.

    1. I like that idea. Thanks for that. Not down just ready for Spring weather. Bored maybe too, ha. Thanks for your inspiration! :-)

  4. Beautiful ! I am declaring spring is here. Or maybe it is just wishful thinking, but I need to see something flowering. (And also need to whack the muscadine vines before they overtake the world.

    1. It is pretty, I think maybe just the lure of color is a thing now at this time of year. I'll second your motion that spring is here!

  5. This will be our third summer on The poor farm and perennials planted should be LEAPING this year. We have so many great plans and your inspirational Thursdays just fuel the insanity! Thanks for that:)

    1. It doesn't take much to fuel my insanity, ha. I think every perennial we've planted (not counting trees of course) has died in either freeze or a drought. Ugh. We'll get it eventually.

  6. I'll take anything now to brighten up these dreary, depressing days.

    1. YES, it's just dreary and drab and wet and cold or wet and humid. Come on spring color!!!

  7. Beautiful and such a nice array of color along with different texture of plants.
    You might consider........... someday to plant drought resistant plants for Texas. Something that is easy to care for and which also takes / uses less water.
    Special Collection of Drought Resistant Texas Plants;

    1. Thanks for this link, I will check it out. I want drought tolerant since we're only watering once a week most times.


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