
Wednesday, February 14, 2018


They don't make 'em like this anymore...

"Whip up some love!"

"I'll ketchup with you!"

"You're a honey, bee my valentine!"

What kind of tradition, if any, do you all follow on Valentine's Day?

Special dinner?

HAPPY Valentine's Day TO ALL of you!



  1. Happy Valentines to you all too. I used to just love exchanging Valentines in grade school. And nothing could beat 4th grade when the boy I liked got me a big heart shaped candy lollipop that said "I Love You". I pretty much gave up on the holiday afterwards because how can you top that?

    1. Aww, what a sweet memory!! those young valentines exchanges were so fun.

  2. Ha ha ha...if you check out my blog you will see we are kindred spirits! :) We've already exchanged yummy chocolates, tonight we'll have a candlelit fondue...a decadent dessert...and then some romance :) Happy Valentine's to you and your 2nd Man! :) xxxx

    1. Aww, thanks for that. I did and it looks like you had a wonderful evening. Love it. Thanks for sharing!! Happy Valentines day to you both!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Ten points for blatant honesty!!! :-P. LOVE IT!!

  4. spouse usually gives me cards/flowers/chocolates and a small gift to open. I usually give spouse 2 gifts/cards to open. we go out for a seafood dinner, but NEVER on VD itself - too crowded & overpriced. and we both go to work for the day.

    HAPPY VD to you and 2nd man!

    1. Ha, so true about eating dinner out. We usually go out a few days before or after "for Valentines dinner" because of that very reason. So crowded. We always exchange cards, sometime gifts, sometimes not.

  5. We would exchange cards in the grocery store and then put them back on the shelf! Geo

    1. Another post with extra points for pure honesty. HA that is too funny, but it makes sense, you still pick the one that means the most and then exchange them....and then put back on the on rack, ha.

  6. Tonight was a card exchange, grilled steak, bottle of wine, and Olympics kind of night!
    Hope yours was wonderful.

    1. MMM, steak!! Love it. Olympics have been fun. Thanks much!

  7. We exchanged greeting cards at the breakfast area of our big island in the kitchen ... but when I came back from water aerobics I found little glass hearts hidden (in plain sight) here and there throughout the house and even one on the dash of my car. We did this first probably 12 years ago or so in a whole different part of the country!! I'd lost track of where the hearts were currently living. Fun and made my heart beat a bit harder!! Then we went out for Pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) last night. Even though it was raining here in Tucson AZ (unusual) it was a nice night out!

    1. Little glass hearts? Wow, what a sweet thing. I love a tradition like that. Thanks for sharing this and hope you had a wonderful day (and evening!). ;-)

  8. No special plans whatsoever here, as hubby will be working. For me; I just consider it just like no other day
    When my hubby was in grade school and the kids exchanged Valentine cards; hubby's mother had saved them so to this day he still has them rather nice Valentine cards.

    1. Oh I wished my Mom had saved mine, there was some neat ones back then. Yeah, for many it can be just another day. That must means EVERY day is Valentines Day, right? ;-)


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