
Friday, February 2, 2018


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock, where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found several cool items so far.
Here is the latest!

CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!  It's a large and heavy wall hanging mirror.  Or mirrorS I suppose.  They are individual mirrors but welded together.  

The only thing we can figure is that it fell off a wall or was dropped because there is a cracked mirror with a slight dent in the metal around it.  

But otherwise, it's in PERFECT shape.  We can't believe someone would just throw it away but hey, their trash is our treasure!  

The good thing about it is that each mirror is individually place inside each shape of the frame.  So we can just bend up the tabs and pop out the mirror and either a) have another one cut in the same shape or b) maybe it would be neat to replace one (or more) with a photo?  Hmm...honestly, it kind of reminds us of a honeycomb, maybe a bee picture or two?  Maybe paint it a color other than gold?  

Decisions decisions...


  1. WOW what an awesome find/ treasure. Lucky you and nice that all the mirrors are removeable.
    You could replace all the mirrors and place variety of meaningful/family photos which would make it less heavy and still arrange the mirrors on the wall by using Command Sticky Strips or self adhesive mirror strips

    1. Tesa Mirror Double Sided Mounting tape

  2. That is one seriously cool find. Where are you going to use it?

  3. I would be torn between leaving all mirror or replacing the sections with bee pictures, possibly a history of your own hives, maybe historic pictures, maybe a variety of hive types. A yellow frame would be fun or put bee stripes on the yellow in a few of the frames. There are so many possibilities for this frame.

  4. OMG, you guys always find the best 'stuff'. I love coming to your blog every day to check out your recipes and all the great things you find.

  5. Awesome find! Get yourself a serious wall molly and be sure to hit the stud when you hang it, LOL! We had a BIG heavy clock hung over the fireplace and the weight actually bent the hook! That sucker made a hell of a racket sliding down the wall, hitting the mantle and floor at 3am LOL!

  6. could set it on the mantle, cracked mirror edge on mantle. Add mantle decor to cover crack.

  7. You find the best “trash”! I really like the idea of putting pictures in some of the mirror hexagons.

  8. Would love to see its transformation under your talented hand .... that's the remarkable talent (in addition to finding such treasures)! Geo.

  9. This is a great piece. You could change out the mirrors for pictures. Or partially, that way the piece will look organic. Nicely done!

  10. Paint the frame a 30's green and replace the mirrors with a variety of reproduction feedsacking fabrics. A modern hexagon guilt!


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