
Sunday, February 4, 2018


Today is the big game day.  I'm still never sure when you can say Super Bowl but hey, we're not selling anything so yeah, today the big game that is on TV is the SUPER BOWL.

Anyone watching for the game?  It seems kind of anticlimactic with the Patriots in it again.  Last year Houston was hosting it and that made everything around it exciting and of course we got caught up in the fever.  Hmm, Patriots last year too, ha. 


But hey, if you're a Patriots fan, GO PATRIOTS!
And if you're a Philly fan, GO EAGLES!

We'll watch more for the halftime show and of course the commercials!  And 2nd Man will cook us up a wonderful meal.  

Anyone have any big plans?  
Favorite Super Bowl eats?
And who are you rooting for?


  1. E-A-G-L-E-S eagles! they gonna kick some pretty boy ass!

    spouse & I are at home with plenty of food/booze.

  2. Enjoy! I'm a Canadian Football fan :)

  3. Not gonna bother this year. Not much there for a west coast fan.

  4. Fly Eagles Fly!!!!!!!!!

    I don't watch football much, but I have got to root for my major boy crush, Nick Foles!!!! He is talented and make me swooooooooooon. Many friends and nibbles on hand.....

  5. I am home, alone, and watching Big Bang theory. I have seen so many pizza commercials that I want a Dominoes pizza. I ate roast turkey, cheese, MW, and leaf lettuce. They are watching some sort of football game and Leonard is bored. Me too. Maybe that is Sheldon. I hope Brady gets his Super Bowl ring, but I will hear about it later.

  6. No plans, just here trying to write and Enchilada Casserole Recipe. (it's starting to make me hungry though!)
    Pat's will win during the last two minutes of the 4th quarter. Pat's are slow starters but have a strong 3rd and can be unstoppable in the fourth. Neither team is my favorite.

  7. May the best team win but hoping for New England.
    In Minn. temperature was -3 deg this morning and with wind chill it was -20

  8. What a game! I had no favorite so I could enjoy it for what it was.
    Thanks for the heads up about sheet pan tacos. That was our Super Bowl meal.

  9. That was one great game even tho it was the coldest Super Bowl game in history.
    Congratulations to the Eagles on the win.

  10. We watched the whole thing. Quite a match up and glad that Eagles won for their very first time. Commercials were nothing memorable this year. No laughs that I can remember.


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