
Monday, February 5, 2018


Is it possible to spend almost two hours, doing nothing except watching a baby goat bounce around?  YEP IT SURE IS!

Geraldine the baby goat
We're in love with Geraldine, the baby goat that 2nd Family recently rescued and then adopted.

Look at that face!!!!

Bottle feeding a baby goat
Bottle feeding time!

I got a text from "J" and she said they were about to bottle feed her, did I want to come do it.  I about fell off the porch to get there, ha!

She is just so sassy!

Bouncing goat
And filled with bursts of bouncing energy...

...ears flying about as she hops around.  

She was sampling some grass, working on her grazing skills, and I swear from the back, with her hooves in the grass, she looks like a dog.  

This is one of their dogs, Alice.

Little goat
Nope, she's a goat for sure.  A really cute goat.  
Her fur was softer than I figured it would be.  And her ears are like bunny ears.  Soft and velvety.  She makes the cutest little noise too.  

"R" brought some logs for her and stacked them up. She checked them out a bit and... 

...was up on them in no time. 

Baby goat on logs
"Queen" of the hill, that's for sure.

Hey baby goat
Look at that face.  I mean seriously.  We literally stood around for almost two hours just talking and catching up while watching a baby goat run around.  We can't think of a better way to spend the time.


  1. OH MY GAWD 1st Man....I have a cute attack happening right now, she does look like a dog from that photo lol...what kind of goat is it? I'm hoping we can get some goats when we buy our place in the future. I think they would be a lot of fun to own and I could use the milk to make my cheeses. :)

    1. "Cute attack". I like that. Definitely a cute attack for us too. We don't know what kind of goat she is (anyone?). This is our first time around one and I think we could be persuaded someday. Will have to check that out and learn more about it.

      Oh sigh, goats cheese is wonderful. Didn't think about that.

  2. I am besotted. She is beautiful! Please can you post more photos of her? Please.......?

    1. I love that word!! Thank you, next time I'm out there (this weekend) I'll get some new pictures. Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. What a 'sweetie pie' she is and she really is melting my heart right about now.
    Do hope 2 C more pictures of her in the days ahead.
    Thanks for sharing these photos with us as I was wondering how she was doing. Nice to see bounce back from such a terrible ordeal.

    1. Will put up photos as I get them. Need to ask 2nd Family to send more during the week, ha. She did have a rough start but is the sweetest little thing. I think she knows how lucky she is. :-)

  4. Geraldine has such a pretty face! Look at those cute flopping ears. And that soft, soft hair. What a little beauty!

    1. Not sure if she'll grow into them or they'll stay big and floppy. She is way softer than I thought she might be.

  5. SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it! Thanks for showing her to us.

  6. You are so lucky to have a goat you can enjoy but can leave there, sort of like having grandchildren. With goat and calves, you can have a relaxing time without all the trouble and care of you. Yes, it does look like a dog in that picture.

    1. LOL, I told 2nd Family the same thing that it was just like Grandparents. All the fun and none of the responsibility, ha. They are cute though. I think we could be persuaded someday. :-)

      And yep, she looked just like a dog, a little terrier or something, ha.

  7. What a cute baby goat! She looks like a toy goat, so clean and tidy is. Of course you may spend many hours watching her playing.

    1. We do wonder how big she'll get. We'll see!! Thanks, can't wait to visit her regularly, ha.

  8. Ahhhhh the simple pleasures!!
    She is adorable!!
    Enjoy the moments

    1. LOL it IS about the simple pleasures isn't it? :-)

  9. Replies
    1. Isn't she? First time around baby goats. Too cute!


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