
Wednesday, February 7, 2018


This is something we've been having more often lately.  We love it because it's so flavorful.

We start with Lavash wraps. 

Lavash wraps
We get them at a local store, they are a thin, bread of sorts, almost like a flour tortilla but thinner.  They are very low carb too.  One large sheet is only 5 carbs.  Can't beat that if you are trying to cut back on breads and sugars.  You don't have to cook it or heat it up.  It's soft and flexible but because it's so thin, it dries out within a couple of days.  

Chicken with pesto
2nd Man started with some cubes of chicken.  This time he used boneless skinless chicken breast that had already been diced into cubes.  He cooked them in a skillet with some olive oil, salt and pepper until browned and fully cooked.  Then he took some of our homemade basil pesto (yay!) about 7 ounces or so, added it to the cooked chicken and stirred it up.

Baby spinach leaves
Then we got some baby spinach leaves and washed and dried them. 

Diced tomatoes and onions
Lastly he diced up two tomatoes (a red and an orange heirloom) along with a small purple onion diced up.  He put them in a colander to drain over a bowl.  You don't want all the liquid to make your wrap soggy. 

We spread some mayo on the lavash wrap.

We topped that with some spinach leaves.  

Lavash with spinach and pesto chicken
Then just put on the pesto chicken and top with the tomato onion mixture.  No set amount just depends on how full you want your wrap.

Roll it all up and that's it! 

Spinach and chicken pesto wraps
Serve and enjoy.  

We like to cut each in half to make it a bit easier to eat.  It's such a great combination of flavors and using our own homemade pesto is wonderful.  Maybe this year it will be our own spinach and tomatoes too.  


  1. Oh, Yum. Really looks delicious.
    If I could, I would grab that one right off the plate. :}
    I take it that you find the Lavish Wraps on the bread isle?
    Enjoy your day, stay warm and have a get weekend.
    Cold and windy here and had a freeze; down to 28 or 29 deg. last night

    1. Yes, they are on the bread aisle, near the Pita bread. Not saying all stores will have it and if not, ANY thing you want to use as a wrap would work. Tortillas, pita bread, anything like that. It's getting cold here, in the low 40's today heading down tonight.

  2. I am drooling on the keyboard! I have never heard of lavash, but i will look on the interntional aisle at Publix.

    1. It could very well be there. Like I said too, you could use anything as a wrap, tortillas would work fine too.

  3. Yum! Looks really delicious and easy to make - and so colorful. And it's even healthy!

    1. I never thought about it being colorful but it is isn't it? And pretty healthy too.

  4. I have never heard of lavash; will have to research to see if I can find it round here.

    1. Hope you can find it, it's so good. We like it because it's so thing. It's almost like if you dried them in the oven it would become crackers, ha.

  5. This looks amazing! Where do we find this Lavash? laura

    1. Hello! Lavash is in the international section of our major grocery store chains here, it's also very common in any Middle Eastern type market, or Greek or Turkish food. Hope you can find it! Nice to see you!!!

  6. I love that y'all make a lot of simple dishes that are packed with flavor. I have copied you several times now!

    1. Aww, thanks for that. We do like simple, that's for sure. It's easier to be simple and focus on good flavors. Stay tuned!!!


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