
Thursday, February 8, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Spilled flowers, image courtesy of
We've posted something similar to this in the past.  We always liked the idea and this year, we are finally going to get a half whiskey barrel.  2nd Family has three and they don't need one and asked if we wanted it.  You know me, I couldn't say no!

So now I just have to find the right spot for it.  Tip it over on the side, fill it with soil, create a "spill" of soil outside the barrel and put in some flowers (later this Spring!).  We think it will be a pretty addition.
Hopefully anyway!

Be inspired!


  1. Find an old cream can....lay it on its side....plant all white flowers to imitate spilled milk. Beautiful.

    1. Oh now THAT is a great idea! Love it. Thanks for this idea.

  2. I rather like that, though would want to use something even less traditional for the planting container...

  3. 1st Man,
    Gorgeous idea! This would look great down by the gates on our driveway.

    1. Oh that would be a pretty idea by an entrance gate for sure.

  4. Very pretty! I think you should put it near your porch - it’s such a colorful eye-catcher that you and visitors will enjoy it every time you get to the house.
    I did something similar several years ago. Someone was throwing out a large broken-in-half Mexican pot. I rescued it from the trash, glued it back together, and tipped it over on its side with flowers.

    1. Thought about it at the corner since the birdbath broke but I'm going to try another one of those. Maybe do this on the other front corner. What a great idea with a broken clay pot that you couldn't use for anything else. Thanks!

  5. Spilled flowers are so pretty and can use just about anything for flowers to come spilling out of. Not only does it add color but is rather unique to have in the yard.
    Have an enjoyable weekend.

    1. Thanks, who knew "spilled flowers" was a thing, ha.

  6. That's beautiful, I'd love to do something like that!

    1. It just looks so easy to do doesn't it? And very eye catching without being too "cutesy" if that makes sense. Enjoy!


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