
Friday, February 9, 2018


I have decided that I dislike this time of year.  Even though it seems like there is less work, really, I find I have stuff to do, just different stuff, but there are still things to get done and none of it is fun.  

Everything is bleak and desolate.  Nothing to plant.  Nothing to mow.  Nothing to harvest.  

Above is an angle from the porch this Winter...

And the same angle from the porch last Spring.. 

We like the trees with leaves on them and the grass green and things growing. Maybe it's Spring fever? 

It'll be here soon enough. 

What about you all?  Ready for Spring?  Or can Winter stay a bit longer?


  1. can always get a good start on some seed planting or plant a basket / container of sorts with some herbs. Not too late to plant some pansies or other Fall / winter plants for adding some color on or around your porch

    1. Great idea!! Thank you! And I love pansies. The porch needs some color. Heck it all needs color, so bland.

  2. It is a dreary time of year. I am content with planning right now.

    1. It's kind of mentally rejuvenation to plan and daydream.

  3. Replies
    1. You've had some pretty snow though. Love the pics you've shown.

  4. I wish, wish, wish spring was here. In the last 3 days we have had 16" of snow. That is to go with the 6" and 8" dumps in the prior week. We have run out of places to shovel it to. It is -4F and there was a 50 car pile up on one of our major roads this morning!! Yes, I am definitely ready for spring!

    1. 16" of snow? WOW! I won't complain any more, ha. You stay warm and safe for sure. Spring is coming!!! Groundhog be damned! ;-)

  5. Start your seedlings indoors to be transplanted later outdoors. Botanical interests has a great selection online and no shipping charge in the month of February. The flower and herb seed packets are terrific and of course I had to order a reasonable number of packets kind of. I guess I went a tad overboard with my order.

    1. I will check that out, thank you so much. Love finding a new catalog/garden/seed source.

  6. Yes, I don’t like this time of year either - everything is drab brown and gray. It’s like the beauty of Spring is sleeping. The 10-day forecast is for dreary, not-much-sun days - ugh. But in a few weeks, it will be the first of March, when planting time starts again!
    Actually, there are some people in my area making late-winter plantings of carrots and spinach right now. I think you can also plant other cool-season crops now. They will mature before the heat sets in. I found this:
    But then you’d need to have the extra garden space for these late-winter plantings because they will mature after the planting time for our warm weather vegetables. So for now, I think I’ll just do some Spring Dreaming!

    1. Thanks for this info, I will check this out. Not sure I'll get around to it but it's valuable info for any time. Heck, we have carrot seeds I should just stick some in the beds and see what happens!

  7. I was ready for spring the day after Christmas! I have tulips and daffodils up about 6 inches high with buds read to blossom. I would suggest you plant bulbs for fall flowers now. Actually, I can plant spring blooming bulbs now and they will blossom this spring. It is nice to look at the emerging flowers and wonder when, when, when. Have you ever seen large pot layered in bulbs where the flowers come up at different times and the display changes as different bulbs blossom? I do agree, nothing pretty right now.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. Every year I want to start bulbs now for the fall and then don't get to it before it gets too warm. I will see if we can make that happen this year. I need to see what are best for our area. I have seen that layering it's amazing. I suppose the same thing could be done in a flower bed too, or something. I'll look into it. Thank you!

  8. spring just started for me today; the equipment truck left my baseball stadium on its way to clearwater florida; pitchers & catchers report on 2/14!

    AND we just had our E-A-G-L-E-S IGGLES super bowl victory parade yesterday!

    if that doesn't get your sap flowing, I don't know what will!

    1. Hey, our World Series champs Astros just left for their Florida training too. And I know how that parade feels, the city went INSANE when the Astros had their parade it was SO much fun. And it's gotten me more interested in baseball now too! Go Stros!

      And congrats to the Eagles, well deserved!!!

  9. We have 7 months of winter here. Count your blessings.

    1. Ha I hear ya. Heck we have about 7 months of oppressive Summer, LOL. Not sure which I'd rather have. Neither. Can we all just have four regular real seasons? Ha!


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