
Thursday, September 27, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Raised bed flower garden, image via
With gloomy gray skies for what seems like weeks on end lately, our thoughts turn to flowers.  Probably a little late in the season but it's never to early to daydream, ha.  We've always liked this idea of a raised bed filled with flowers. We've posted a few in prior Thursday posts, this one his nice as well. 

We have some empty raised beds in the garden we aren't using each season (yet) for veggies, so it might be fun to plant some flower seeds in a couple and put the irrigation to them when next Spring rolls around. Since they are raised and have good soil, we should have amazing flower potential.

Be inspired!


  1. A couple of flour beds would be lovely your in raised planters. The bees and butterflies will love it and not only that but the bees will help with pollination of your veggies as well by having some flowers near by.
    Come Spring / summer you will have a nice variety of flower selection to choose from.
    You know you could even plant some Fall / Winter flowers in a couple of your beds if you so desire. Would add some color out in the empty beds for sure. You could even buy some potted pansies for added color around base of your fruit trees and low growing flowers even in the summer time like moss roses at the base of the trees for added color.

    Those boxes shown in the above photo would also be pretty as window boxes.

    1. Oh the bees would love it wouldn't they? I think we could use the "unused" garden beds for flowers. Definitely going to try that. And OMG we never thought about flowers around the fruit trees. Good idea there. Might think about that next Spring. And window boxes are in our future for sure. Just have to work out some more details.

  2. You can never go wrong with flowers! Well, unless you get something invasive, that is.

    1. Flowers make us smile. I don't know why. You are right, never too many huh? Even invasive, as long as it was colorful and somewhere on the 10 acres, we'd be ok with that too, ha.

  3. Nothing better than some beautiful flowers to bring some sun to a cloudy day. I always make sure to plant some yellow flowers for the fall/winter because their bright color is still vibrant on a gray day.

    1. Yellow is a good idea for those gray days. Good reminder, thanks!!!

  4. Marigolds are great to plant among veggies, most bugs hate their smell. Nasturtiums have pretty leaves and flowers which also deter bugs and the flowers are a great peppery addition to any green salad. I really mixed in lots of flowers in my veggie garden this year and so glad I did.

    1. Oh yes, I've head that. Thanks for the reminder. I might have to explore that idea next year.

  5. If you've planted in one raided bed, why not all of them?! :-) With your green thumb anything is possible. I can't wait to see the results if you do plant flowers. ♡♡♡♡♡

    1. Aww, thanks for that. I guess if we're not using them like you said, why not have them full of flowers? Good idea. Hugs to you!!


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