
Friday, September 28, 2018


What IS it about clean laundry and cats?  

It's like a is Hobart, about 10 seconds after I put the basket down.  I had folded half the items in there and went to put them up.  I came back and there he was, giving me this look.  Of course, instead of running him off, we let him take his nap, because, well, sleeping cats...they should be allowed to do their thing, right?

We have rain in the forecast again this weekend.  We'll see.  They could be wrong.  Let's just get through Friday first...


  1. Hobart just found a new bed, for time being to lay in which is soft and probably smells good as well.

    Rather damp and cloudy here but also have rain in forecast for Sat. and Sunday and possibly Monday as well. Sure enjoying the much cooler temperatures that's for sure.

    1. when the clothes are clean, they are less full of scent, but many times they are still warm from the dryer which makes them irresistible because cats love warmth.

    2. It was no longer warm but yeah it was soft and smelled fresh, ha. I'm sure if was just comfy and soft. Can't say as we blame him, ha.

  2. I know. My kitty is drawn to clean laundry and especially to clean sheets being placed on the bed. Maybe the warmth of linens fresh from the dryer?
    Hobart is such a cutie! He looks so cozy and comfortable in his temporary bed.

    1. OH YES, clean sheets on the bed, cat magnet too, ha. He's a cutie for sure. Our big black goofy kitty, we love dearly.

  3. hobart looks VERY comfortable there; you are a good cat daddy for not disturbing him.

    1. How can we disturb him after looking at that face, ha.

  4. A cat in my clean laundry would mean the clothes would have to be rewashed!

    1. LOL, these were undershirts we wear to work so we were ok with it. Now if they had been dish towels or something, yep, would have to be "de haired", ha . Of course, we keep him well brushed so he doesn't shed much.

  5. Let's face it, CATS ARE SMART! Why waste one's time on dirty laundry when there is a clean bed there for the taking???

    1. Ain't that the truth. Plus I'm sure there is some vestige from when they were worshipped that hangs around, ha.

  6. Clever Hobart!. My tabby Megs decided to "help" me make up our bed with clean sheets last night. The darling monster played with each and every layer,claiming them as hers.

    1. When we had two and then three for a period of time, it was a struggle to make the bed as they all jumped in as each layer when on. But we laughed as we struggled to put it all on so those memories are good.

  7. I wondered if it was the warmth or just a scent thing. I have a couple who will do that - and actually burrow under the laundry. Now this is something I have noticed. They do not get into the dirty clothes! Either the basket on the small freezer in the mudroom or in the hamper. I do have one cat, Crazy Izzie, loooongg story who will get into my hamper if she's managed to get herself shut in to the room. Not sure why it is only then. Maybe it smells like me (okay, that is kinda gross). Now my boys, neutered, do something only to my partner. They will spray her clothes, shoes, corner of her bathroom (two bathrooms make sane people). She's so much more a dog person and only tolerates the cats and they know it - so they let her know they know.

    1. Hello!! Thanks for taking the time to comment!! You are right, ours won't get in dirty clothes either. That's crazy about the spraying. We have had three male cats and not a single one has ever sprayed (and they are all neutered). I am so glad we got lucky there. Maybe they know we are cat people ha. (though in full disclosure we love dogs). Thanks again!!!


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