
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I love pasta.  In any way, shape or form.  I think I must have been Italian in a previous life.  So when 2nd Man says "do you want pasta?" I'm all like "um, YEAH!!!!!"

This one is simple and good.

Simple tomato sauce.  This has no meat.  It's made of tomatoes both canned and fresh.  Oregano, basil, garlic, salt and pepper.  Just a basic sauce, any style you like.  Of course you can put meat in your sauce if you are so inclined.  

Next, boil a pound of lasagna noodles in salted water.  Remove when they are al dente and lay out to dry a bit (we put ours on a fresh dishtowel). 

In a separate bowl, mix one 15 oz container of ricotta cheese, 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/2 cup mascarpone cheese, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1 large egg, 1 TBSP fresh Italian flat leaf parsley (chopped), 1 TBSP fresh basil (chopped), and salt and pepper to taste.

Spread about 1/3 of the sauce in the bottom of a baking dish.

Spread 2 to 3 TBSP filling on each lasagna noodle and roll up.

Place seam side down in sauced baking dish. 

Just keep repeating the process until... have filled your baking dish with the rolled up noodles.

Pour remaining sauce over the top of all.

Sprinkle some shredded cheese over the top and place, uncovered, in a 350 degree oven for about 50-60 minutes or until cheese is browned and bubbly.

Remove from oven and dish it up. It's so yummy, almost like having a lasagna (I said "almost", ha). 


  1. Using thawed frozen spinach is good too. I’m making stuffed shells today.

  2. I made this years ago. Easier than lasagna? Not sure with all the rolling.

    1. LOL, I suppose it's all relative in the end huh? ha!!

  3. I salivated my way through the reading of this. YUM. But, no spinach.

  4. Yum, yum, yum!!! Saving this recipe!

    1. It's really just a simple thing to make, noodles, a filling that is flexible and a sauce that is flexible. Enjoy!

  5. This looks sooooo yummy!!!! I'm not that great of a cook and your sauce looks so good. Could you be more specific on how you make your sauce please??? I'm the kind of cook that needs exact measurements. Thanks!!!!

    1. Hello! Thank you for stopping by. I will get with 2nd Man and I update the post with how he made the sauce. Stay tuned!!

  6. Love lasagna. Normally I will make 2; 1 for the freezer and 1 to eat at the moment.

    When short on time, and wanting something quick and easy I made a skillet lasagna using the trumpet shaped pasta (Barilla Campanelle )


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