
Thursday, September 13, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

We'd love to find an old wheelbarrow like this one. Though this one is so cool as a vintage piece I'm not sure I'd want to fill it with flowers, ha.  Anyway, we love this idea and have posted other wheelbarrow "flowerbeds" before.  

This one looks like it could be just a vessel to hold potted flowers.  Either way it's very pretty just as a focal point in the middle of the yard.  And it's mobile so it can be moved around to other spots in the yard!

Be inspired!


  1. Would make for a lovely yard decoration and yes, those are potted plant containers inside the wagon. I have seen these all decorated up for the holidays throughout the year.
    That looks like a 1940's wheelbarrow. The sides come off so you could tip it side ways and dump it or dump it like a regular wheel barrow. They were handy back in the day but hard to push in loose soil with a load in them.
    They do sell new models that look very much like this; between 20 & $30.00

    1. Oh really? I will have to look for something new. That's doable for that price and I could maybe even "distress" them to make them look older. Thank you!

  2. Replies
    1. They are SO pretty. Not sure how they grow here but some pretty color for sure. Love this look.

  3. A really colorful focal point that would look so pretty at your Farm.
    I have a metal one that I found by the curb on trash day. I’ve used it for flowers, herbs, and mints.

    1. Lucky you! I should drive around the neighborhoods and see what we can find, ha

  4. Even potted plants would hasten that wheelbarrow's demise. The whole look is very old-fashioned.

  5. Very pretty! Maybe you could make one out of MDF?


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