
Saturday, October 13, 2018


A grocery store near my office is remodeling.  They are constantly putting stuff on clearance because I guess they are making space for new/more stuff.

So the other day I found these:

Spiral Jars from Ball Canning
Two cases (though only four each) of the new(ish) widemouth spiral canning jars.

We guess this is something new this year.  Not sure if it's going to stick around but when I saw them and saw the price, it was too good a deal to pass up.

Ball Spiral Jars
That price?  They were originally marked down to $6.19 which would have been a not too bad deal in and of itself.  But these were ANOTHER 50% off of that price, so $3.09 for each set of four!

I'm not sure if there is anything special about having them shaped like this other than just being something different and more attractive than a regular jar but hey, for 77 cents each, we'll figure out something to do with them.


  1. What a Great buy. You are so lucky when it comes to finding them wonderful buys; right place at the right time.
    The spiral jars are so cute and are great; not only for canning / freezing but they are also nice for arts and crafts projects.
    Being they are wide mouth, great to use as drinking glasses

  2. That is a seriously cool jar. I would have bought them too even if I just stored dried beans or pasta in them. Great buy!

  3. I found two sets (8) on sale two years ago and bought them. I did put dried beans in them, stored leftovers, sent something home to Tommy. They are also easy to grip.

  4. you guys always find such good deals!

  5. Good deal on the jars. I found some new fun ones at hardware store where I work...nope, not buying them as they were made in China! Bummer. Jars are good for many things! Happy weekend!

  6. That was a good deal. I really like the shape - great for all kinds of uses.


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