
Saturday, October 13, 2018


Today it's off to the farm.  We have cooler weather, though not as cool as I'd hoped and there's a chance of rain.  But much cooler weather is coming.  I am hoping I don't have to mow or edge and in fact, I might just skip it even if I do have to.  

It's going to be really cool next week so the growing should slow down.  My goal today is to get the garden ready for planting or sleep.  Or combination of both.  More on that later.  I'll be stopping at the garden center on the way for soil and compost and maybe a plant or two.

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. Way to wet to work outside here. Actually had thunderstorms along with some very heavy rain showers. Received 3 1/2 inches, so with the 5 inches plus that we received Tuesday; we are well saturated and oh yes, we do have standing water.
    My pepper plants sure are enjoying the rain as they are producing like crazy and are still full of blooms.
    Our temperature here yesterday was 61 deg.

    With all the rain, means I'm not able to do any painting :{

  2. Have a great and not as hot day working at the farm. I will be interested to see what if anything you plant for a winter garden. I meant to get collards in but __
    And you know what they say about that road paved with good intentions!

  3. Hope you had a good day at the Farm yesterday. The things you planted will get a good watering when this next cold front comes through.

  4. I bought red onions and yellow onions, garlic, and tulips. All need to be planted between October and December, according to the packages. I have hundreds of onions, so if they fail, I can just keep planting and trying. Maybe I could plant collards or something. What else?


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