
Friday, December 28, 2018


While we were sitting on the porch, this little bird decided to pay us a visit.

When we first saw it, I thought it might be a hummingbird.  It was very small and when it was on the bushes in front of the porch it flitted from branch to branch so very quickly you couldn't tell what it was.  When it flew up onto the porch railing, it became obvious that it wasn't a hummingbird, ha.   

I had to move quietly to get a picture and captured this one before it flew off.  It made several return visits and didn't seem too fazed by having humans hanging around.  

THEN, in the garden, I saw this spider: 

A daddy long legs of some sort I guess.  It wasn't eating the plants, hoping it was taking care of the "bad bugs" in the garden.

Just another day in the country, ha.  We really need to get up on our bird watching knowledge AND creepy crawly knowledge.


  1. Not certain from looking at your photo; but the bird may be a member of the Flycatcher family.

    1. Thanks, I will have to look that up. (and catching flies is a good thing ha).

  2. yep, that is a daddy longlegs. harmless. have a nice weekend!

  3. It could be a house wren. They like to eat insects and spiders so they can be quite active when doing so.
    That spider needs to keep an eye out for that bird!
    I love nature-watching!

    Yesterday was such a warm, sunny day in the 70’s - I spent all afternoon outside enjoying it. But it sure got chilly overnight. According to the weather forecast, we may get a freeze in a few days. I had ordered some more AgFabric covers. So I put them up on a pole on the north side of some smaller citrus trees and pinned them back with clothespins which I can close up for a freeze.

    1. It does look like a house wren when I checked google images vs what I saw. I will have to watch for it to come back. It's so fun to see something new out there, and we do almost every time we go. Love that.

      No freeze for our parts but we're keeping an eye on the weather. Stay warm.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for that, I will look that one up too! I hadn't heard of that. I really need to get up on our bird watching!! ;-)

  5. it looks like they copied the spider for the War of the Worlds alien craft

    1. Oh my gosh, it does! Especially the classical drawn ones. One of my favorite all time books and movies (original mostly, not so much the Tom Cruise remake).

  6. Are you on Twitter, maybe you could tweet that bird a message and ask what it is? :)

    Yup that's a daddy long legs and unless yours are different, they eat bugs not plants, sometimes they also sneak into your room at night by the hundreds and eat hobby farmers. Yes I made that last part up.

    1. Not on twitter but hmm, maybe that's not a bad idea anyway. OK you gave me goose bumps with that last line, ha.


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