
Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Christmas was nice.  It was quiet, just the three of us (Hobart included of course) and we both enjoyed our time off.  Back to work.  Sigh.

Frick's Carver Ham
We had a ham at Christmas.  It's sort of becoming our tradition.  We don't know if y'all have ever had a carver ham but boy are they ever wonderful.  There is no bone, it is not pre-sliced, it's just a wonderful hunk of delicious ham that you can slice or cut up anyway you desire.  Delicious...

Christmas dinner
We had the ham of course, and then 2nd Man made croissants, broccolini sautéed in a pan, and I made homemade mac and cheese.  It's a stove top version, a new recipe, we'll be sharing step by step instructions in a post soon.

OMG it was all SO good...

Christmas trash
Christmas is all cleaned up and in the books until next year...

Hobart in a box
And of course, what Christmas would be complete without the obligatory "cat in the box" picture?  Hobart got some presents but of course, he loved an empty Amazon box the best...

We hope you all had a great Christmas!


  1. I have two macaroni and cheese fiends in my house so I will eagerly be waiting for the directions. I'm glad to read your Christmas was lovely. I'm back to work for a short two day work week tomorrow.

    1. It will be coming soon, we promise. Two day work week is the best huh? Ha.

  2. Yum, that ham looks wonderful. Please post you mac n cheese recipe. Your Christmas seems to have been happy. I like seeing your progress towards a farm life. Happy New Year and think of us in the frozen world of Wisconsin in the winter.

    1. The ham is so good. It's nice to carve up as you need it. Of course you can glaze it too but we didn't just plain yummy ham. Thank you so much for the kind words. We have the best of both worlds right now and our journey is slow at times but every weekend we try to do something toward that end goal. Frozen winter is something we've rarely experienced. I hope you stay warm and safe! And thanks again!

  3. what a yummy dinner! i am making a ham for my new years party and i am thinking that i might make mac and cheese. i am always reluctant to serve mac and cheese at my parties but every time i break down and do it, it is always a hit. who doesn't like mac and cheese i guess? what us it with cats and boxes?

    1. Thank you. Mac and cheese always feels odd to serve but you're right it's always a hit. I think it's just a comfort food for everyone.

      And yes, cats + box = pure heaven, ha.

  4. hobart got the best present! interested in the mac & cheese recipe too.

    1. Probably payback for all the times my parents got me presents and I played with the giant refrigerator box, ha.

  5. Christmas ham on the bone is my personal favourite Christmas food. Trouble is there is a lot of it and we are constantly picking at it ( and adding to our weight problems !!) but it will all be gone within two weeks ( that's 10kg - 24 pounds of ham eaten in 2 weeks - EEk !)

    1. Isn't it a great think to pick at? Like all day long. So good but so bad to do, ha. I guess that's why we make resolutions to lose weight a week later, ha.

  6. Yum-looking Christmas Dinner! AND homemade croissants - that's a great present in itself!
    Empty boxes are simply irresistible to cats! Hobart looks very cozy in his new napping spot.
    Looking forward to your mac and cheese recipe!

    1. Will post the recipe soon. (I mean, we have the recipe, just have to get the pics together). Hobart is STILL sleeping on and off in that box. Oh and 2nd Man said making croissants is far too difficult. I think we might be getting store bought from now on, ha.

  7. Mac and Cheese for Christmas dinner?!?! Fabulous!! We had a lovely day too with all the kids and Gks. Two fourteen-month-olds in the family made it all especially crazy. Have a lovely holiday season you two!

    1. It's sort of become our tradition for some reason (well maybe the reason is because it's so yummy ha). I can imagine how much fun you must have had. Great wishes to you and your family!!

  8. We are now two and I still bought half a ham for Christmas. Two of my children love the stuff. How I wish I could buy something like the ham you have shown. Enjoy the slow in-between days until New Year.

    1. The funny thing is this ham has been for sale at the store and we never really noticed it. They have like 50 hams in the regular refrigerated section along with turkeys etc and then maybe six of these. I guess most people don't know about it so they don't bring many in.

  9. We had a ham (corporate gift) for Christmas brunch as always. I was counting on lots of ham meals from the leftovers (most of the ham was untouched). Today TheHub walked in with a Happy New Year ham from a different company, so the first ham leftovers are going into the freezer in individual meal size bags, and the new ham will be served for our very traditional New Years Day meal. (Ham, black eyed peas, collard greens and cornbread)

    1. TWO hams? I guess this means you'll be "hamming" it up in the new year? Hahaha!!!

  10. Fabulous looking Christmas Dinner. I also make a very easy & quick stove top Mac & Cheese. I hadn't never really liked the store bought Mac&Cheese. It's so much better making one's own; especially when one adds bits of fresh fried bacon to the mix.

    Hobart sure has found a comfy spot to sleep in.

    1. besides diced bacon. I Have also tossed in diced ham in with my mac&cheese

    2. Oh yes, diced ham is very good in Mac and cheese (and of course bacon, ha). We may use the same recipe. I'll post it soon with the pics. Need to get them organized, ha.

  11. Isn't it amazing how traditional foods really make a holiday? Our holiday eating traditions start on Christmas Eve and add so much to the festivity.

    1. YES! this is so true, it becomes something to look forward to and then it becomes a comfort, familiar moment. Thanks and hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a great 2019!

  12. Happy belated Christmas!!! :) All I could do was stare at the mac and cheese lol...Hobart probably thinks he got the best gift of all lol!

    1. LOL, thanks, it was yummy! CHEESE. It's just magic isn't it? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!!!


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