
Thursday, December 5, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Sometimes when we see inspiration somewhere it might not be a specific object that attracts us to it but a color palette.  That is where this picture appealed to us.

Of course you know we love these split rail fences but what we really like here is the combination of ferns and foliage in the green colors and then the shades of purple and varying heights that are SO gorgeous together.  Anyone know what all the flowers are?

Be inspired!


  1. Loving everything about this; the colors, textures right along with the cute rail fence.
    I only wish I could grow ferns out doors but with shade, no can do. Love hostas as well but again no shade . :{

  2. purple and green is one of my favorite combinations!

  3. I love so many things about this – the shades of purple among all the greenery, the feathery ferns, the wooden fence, the winding path, the rustic stone house. Really lovely!
    (Colleen, I wrote my comment before reading yours – we wrote along the same lines. Great minds think alike! :) )

  4. The flowering plants I spy, are...allium, foxglove, iris and tulips...

  5. I agree with Sharon, but I also see Bellflower or Balloon flower, and debated btw foxglove and salvia - mostly because I THINK that foxglove is a summer blooming plant and most of the others I see are spring pants.

    Either way, a very pretty garden I'd be interested in seeing other seasons. I love purple!

  6. Although not included in the photo above, you could use turtlehead or liatris. Both are in the lavender ranges. Love the arrangement of the flowers with ferns.

  7. I think I see white bleeding hearts by the door. And the purple and white iris I see are German (as opposed to Japanese). And as long as we're suggesting flowers, I think delphinium would look spectacular in this setting!


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