
Friday, December 6, 2019


While it's not a farm sunset, it does have an appeal of its own.  This is the view from our balcony at our apartment downtown... does have a magical quality with office building lights and people and cars on the streets below.  At night, as we watch the buildings light up as the sun goes down, we get to watch office lights blink on and off as people come and go.

This is the view toward the horizon.  On some evenings, the sky is ablaze with color.  Again, it's not s sunset behind the trees in the country, but it's a good runner-up.  Beauty is where you find it.

It's Friday, we hope you all have a good end of the week.  I'll be at the farm this weekend checking on things after the long holiday weekend.  We have colder weather coming but thankfully no freeze.


  1. Beautiful sunsets are everywhere, not just through the trees.

  2. What lovely views you have, no matter where you are! Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. post card photos for sure.
    Thanks 4 sharing them.
    Have a great weekend

  4. It is beautiful, I had a similar view when I lived in downtown Montreal for many years, but I have to say I don't miss it! :)


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