
Sunday, December 8, 2019


It's been a cool and quiet weekend.

We both had errands to run but separately.  2nd Man had to go get a new suit.  We knew that would take a bit of time with getting tailored etc.  I didn't have much to do at the farm but I had to take some things out there and check on things so that was our Saturday.  The farm was fine, I watered the trees and things on the porch, did a few other things and then came back into town.

This is the fig tree part that I broke off of a new fig tree.  I put it in some water and it's not only putting out roots, it's also sending out new leaves!  Not sure how long it will last in the water so I guess at some point soon I need to get it in some soil.

It looks like we'll have a third tree to plant next Spring, ha. 

When I got home, 2nd Man made a wonderful dinner of roasted pork chops, broccolini and with fettuccine Alfredo.  SO delicious.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. 2nd Man; your meal looks delicious.
    Looks like your fig cutting is off to a good start.
    Here's a link on caring & when to plant your Fig cutting. Put in bright light but NOT in direct sun light. Read more about in link provided.

  2. Oh dear, MUST MAKE ALFREDO NOW....

  3. ummmmmmmmmmmmm, 2nd man makes such good food!

  4. Your fig tree cutting is growing so well. It will be a baby tree next year.
    Mmm, what a delicious supper!
    It was such a nice weekend. I am enjoying it before the next cold front comes in Tuesday.

  5. I would take a fig cutting, but the squirrels are amazingly proficient at stripping the trees of the fruit. It certainly looks like it will thrive once planted. Dinner looks delicious.

  6. Wow, your dinner photo is making my mouth water for roasted pork chops, broccoli and fettuccine Alfredo, and I haven't even had breakfast yet!

    That's really interesting about the fig branch. I'm going to have to try that as well.


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