
Thursday, August 27, 2020



We are fine, in fact, for all the scariness of that giant and dangerous storm, it stayed far enough away that we never even got rain or heavy winds.  It's sunny and clear today.

And now back to normal routines:

Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

We have posted something similar to this before, planting pots in the ground and using them for flowers.  In this case it's bulbs.  As I was looking at it I was thinking that if we did something like this we could put plastic buckets in the ground that fits the clay pots, put the the pots in and then swap them out with other pots that held different bulbs for the different seasonal blooms.  The bulbs can stay in the soil in the swapped out clay pot until next time.

Be inspired!


  1. First as usual. I don't think your other readers access your blog before noon!
    Delighted to know that you both and the city escaped the storm. Roderick

  2. Glad you guys are well. Problem with putting clay pots in the ground is that they crack.

  3. thank the cats (and dogs) you 3 are safe and dry!

  4. Hearing that you and 2nds man are safe and sound and that you didn't get the strong winds, etc. but maybe a little rain would had been nice.
    Here; we could use a nice gentle of rain. Thought we was going to get a shower of rain late yesterday afternoon, but it missed us by about 1/2 mile. Hubby rain into rain on his way into work yesterday.
    I like the idea of changing out the clay pots, but Remember that you will have to take out the clay pots during freezing temperatures and store in your shed to keep them from cracking / breaking.

  5. This is a very pretty look. I like that you can change it out with the seasons.
    Glad you didn't get any of the wind. I was sure hoping for some rain but I didn't get a drop.

  6. That reminds me--I need to buy tulip and daffodil bulbs.


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