
Friday, August 28, 2020


On Friday in the past we have done a "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world, ha...but now we'll expand to another fun question that came up.

This week, the burning question is:

We never thought about this but apparently it is yet another regional difference.   We're not sure where the differences are but for both of us here in the South, we say tennis shoes...or a more true Southern way of saying even that is "tenny shoes" ha.  But yep for us it's tennis shoes (and we don't play tennis!).  Apparently though in other areas of the country, people use the word sneakers to describe them.

So what do you call them?
Tennis shoes?  Sneakers?


  1. There is a difference between the 2. Tennis shoes ( athletic shoes) have more rubber and are made for wearing in sporting activities; running, tennis, playing basketball or other forms of exercise; as sneakers are more for casual wear.

    Growing up I had both; tennis shoes for playing basketball when I was in high school and sneakers for casual wear. So now; it's Sneakers for me, but sometimes I do have to wear tennis shoes for more ankle support if I'm going to be doing a lot of walking. I just need that extra support.

  2. For us here in mid Atlantic, this is kind of like Kleenex I guess, just one name for everything. We say sneakers for all athletic shoes like that, running walking casual it's just sneakers. I've never heard of the word tennis shoes. That's cool. Janie V

  3. Sneakers???? I've never heard of that. That's a funny way of describing it. Glad you guys missed the storm.

  4. We call them trainers in Scotland or sometimes gutties.

  5. In South Africa we call them tackies.

    1. Yes, here is South Africa they are called tackies, or tekkies if you're Afrikaas speaking. I have noticed the word sneakers among the young ones lately, but it refers to a casual shoe then. The common term here is tekkies. And we also call a knitted top a jersey and not a sweater. It confused me endless the first time I visited the USA :)

  6. In SE Texas, they are tenny shoes to me.

  7. "Tennis shoes" here in Alabama. I have never heard anyone say "tennyshoes."

  8. Tennis shoes or gym shoes in Indiana.

  9. In N. IL, they were gym shoes while in high school, otherwise, they were called sneakers ... now it's a toss-up between sneakers and tennies! Now I'm old and it's just so confusing! LOL

  10. Susan from ManitobaAugust 29, 2020 at 3:32 PM

    In central Canada, these would be "runners".

  11. They are runners in Canada. Sometimes called sneakers though.

  12. In the 60s,we called them tennis shoes. Probably because Tyty and Grandad were from Oklahoma and Arizona. By the 80s, sneakers was more common. I remember how modern it sounded, and kinda mischievous. Nowadays i just call them shoes. I like the name "runners ". I might start using it.


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