
Wednesday, August 19, 2020


This couldn't be easier.  Now sometimes we have some bbq beef in the freezer that we've saved and put up ourselves.  We haven't done that in a while so we buy this at our local grocery store, we like it because it's all natural, they don't add stuff to it, it's just smoked shredded beef mixed with bbq sauce. (I forgot to put it in the picture so I added the stock image to this photo, ha).  But really if you've got shredded bbq beef ready or leftovers or buy something like this, all you need to add are some potatoes and you have a very filling meal.

Bake your potatoes in the oven (or in the microwave to save time).  Heat the shredded bbq beef.  Slice open the cooked potatoes, put some butter inside, cheese if you'd like, top with some of the beef mixture, a dollop of sour cream and chives...

...and you are good to go with a hearty, filling, very satisfying meal that rivals that at any bbq joint (especially if it's your own homemade bbq beef).  This much beef makes four potatoes for us so we get two meals out of it for just a few dollars each.


  1. You know; You are driving me crazy with these delicious looking food items / recipes.
    Oh, I do have some shredded pork meat in the freezer. All I would have to do is put in crock pot, add some of my homemade BBQ sauce and will make for some great sandwiches for hubby later. I even have some slider buns as well. :}
    Have a great day.

  2. I agree with Colleen – you are tantalizing us with all of these delicious food pictures. Mmm, that looks so good!

  3. I love having quick and delicious, yet nutritious meals ready to eat after heating.

  4. I'm also glad you don't seem to be afraid of mentioning comfort food!!! I'd love to be close enough to share meals back and forth .. your cookery and mine are pretty similar!!

  5. Long ago I loved a cookbook by Peg Bracken called I Hate to Cook Book. She had many ideas about things to serve on baked potatoes, toast, noodles, pasta, etc. Not exactly gourmet but quick and tasty. This is a great idea in fact love all your meal ideas.

  6. We have NO shortages up here in our part of Ontario. But living on a retired farm at the back end of nowhere, we are always well stocked.


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