
Friday, August 21, 2020


On Friday in the past we have done a "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world, ha...but now we'll expand to other fun question that come up.

This week, the burning question is:

This was something I never really thought about but apparently it's another regional difference.  In most parts the country they are called lollipops and in the South they are suckers.  

Thinking back, both of us have just called them suckers but then again, we are children of the South.  I asked around with some friends and coworkers and they said they called them lollipops.  In some areas they differentiate that flat ones are the lollipops and the spherical ones are suckers but still, suckers seems to be a more Southern only usage.

So what do you call it?  Sucker?  Lollipop?  Something else?


  1. Normally we called them Suckers when I was young or just plain sucker candy. Cherry was always my favorite.
    Now the tootsie Roll Pops, I called them lollypops or Tootsie Pops

  2. Suckers always! Tootsie Pops were just that.

  3. Two for suckers and we live in the South. Tootsie Pops are different.

  4. Southern Illinois and we always called them sucker.

  5. In Washington state, they were suckers.

  6. South Eastern Ohio we called them suckers.

  7. Life-long Texas girl here – it’s always been a sucker to me.

  8. Lollipops in New York State.

  9. Lollipops here in Rhode Island, and Tootsie Pops are ...tootsie pops

  10. Suckers in Minnesota and of course tootsie pops were and still are Tootsie Pops.

  11. Suckers KY & IN and when I lived in WI they were suckers

  12. Lollipops in Pennsylvania, although suckers can be the round ones. And Tootsie Pops are a whole other thing.

  13. Suckers! Lollipops were the big round ones

  14. Lifelong Michigander, and they are suckers here. Though I will add if you could fit it in your outh it's a sucker... and the huge flat spirally ones are lollipops.

    My mom worked in a family practice Doctor's office my entire childhood. There were many times she took my brother and I in to th office after hours to do paperwork. There was a kitchen/lab area in the office, and there was always a massive - like 3ft square cube box of Dum-Dum suckers on top of the fridge. I used to dig theough for the cherry or rootbeer ones. The Doctors were Jewish and one kept kosher, and they always had several tins of Charles Chips - barbecue potato chips in the upper cupboards. They were fantastic!

  15. Up here in central Canada we call them suckers!

  16. I grew up calling them suckers, but my British husband had me learning new terms for lots of things, so Lolly it became.

  17. Lollipops are the flat ones. Now that's a word i haven't heard much lately.


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