
Saturday, August 22, 2020


Well we are under storm watch...

As if we shouldn't expect anything less with 2020, here come two storms at the same time in the same place hitting at about the same time.  They may cross paths and hit different areas, they may spiral around each other, one may get absorbed by the other or they might just be a one/two punch of really bad weather.  

Either way, as we do this time of year, we make sure we are prepared.  It's off to the farm to mow in case we are washed out next weekend, make sure the trees are well staked against wind, nothing loose to fly around, etc.  The pandemic/quarantine has made sure that we are well stocked on food and supplies so all is good there.  I don't even think I need to go to the store for anything.

So now we wait.  These things wobble and move and change and of course now we're dealing with a situation they haven't seen before...

...the weather people say there is not much chance of a megahurricane...but again, it's "Dumpster Fire 2020", can we really be sure of that?  HA!


  1. I feel for those affected by the weather and their lack of ability to stay safe. 2020 is turning out even worse now.

  2. 2020 truly is a Dumpster Fire of a year! Due to the pandemic, I'm stocked up really good also. The two storms keep wobbling one way and then another, so it's better to be prepared than not.

  3. This year has been interesting but not in a good way. Two hurricanes? Why not? It fits the theme of 2020.

  4. and here i am tracking it like crazy hoping we can finally get some rain! stay safe!!!

  5. I thought of you 2 when I read the news. so damn scary. I wish you were in a hurricane-safe place.

  6. Hi 1st Man :)) I think anything is possible this year and with Mother Nature...I hope we don't get hit by that amalgamation of systems!

  7. OMG! Enough is enough eh? We had wicked thunder storms this afternoon but the worst of it missed us.

  8. Batten down your hatches guys and please stay safe!!

  9. Hope all goes well in town and at the farm!! You've been through enough of these to know what to do ... so stay put and put your feet up!!


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